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She lies down, raises her blouse a bit. The doctor starts taking an ultrasound. Kivilcim was very excited. It was a weird feeling.

Gynecologist: It may can be too early to see something. Lets take a blood test.

The gynecologist takes some blood and gives it to the nurse. He says that he will be back in some minutes.

Kivilcim: Alev, I'm so afraid...

Alev: Of what? If you ask me, you are overacting. Ömer isn't married anymore, you said it yourself. He loves you and you love him. You will have a baby from the man you love, and in my opinion Ömer is a great father.

Kivilcim: I don't know. It doesn't feel right... What will I say to Doga and Cimen? I already see the suggestive looks of Pink and Nilay. Who knows what they will say. So they can tell me. But I don't want my daughter to be upset. I would never forgive myself if somebody says something to them because of me.

Alev: You are exaggerating.

The gynecologist enters the room again.

Gynecologist: Yes, how do you feel?

Kivilcim: Good.

Gynecologist: As I guessed, you are 4-5 weeks pregnant. Is it your first pregnancy?

Kivilcim goes into shock. Alev is happy inside but can't show it because of Kivilcim's condition. Kivilcim buries her head between her hands. It takes her another minute to realize what the doctor just told her. When she realizes this, she looks up at the gynecologist.

Kivilcim: No, it's my third.

Gynecologist: What kind of symptoms do you have? Do you need something? As you know, these weeks are really important. You have to take care of yourself. Your overall values were all very poor. This pregnancy is a risky one. You definitely need to eat more and stay away from stress. I will write down some vitamins. We're going to get you a serum. And -

Kivilcim: No I am fine... We must go now. Thank you. Good night.

She grabs her bag and quickly leaves the room. She leans against the wall. Alev follows her. Kivilcim's eyes fill with tears again. She doesn't know if she should be happy. She is very desperate.

Alev: Abla, don't do it. Look, (she takes Kivilcim's chin) think about it. And most important, wait Ömer to recover. Talk to him and take your decision after talking to him.

After some minutes they go back to the intensive care unit.

Abdullah: You don't have to wait here, please go home. If something happens, I will call you.

Kivilcim is quite.

Alev: Abla, come, let's go home, you must rest a little bit.

Kivilcim: No, I am fine. I will wait here.

Abdullah: Alev Hanim, at least you go home. I am here.

Alev looks to Kivilcim, she doesn't want to leave her sister alone. Kivilcim nods and says to Alev that she can leave.

Abdullah (pointing on the chair): Please, sit down.

Kivilcim sits down. It stays quiet for a moment.

Abdullah: Kivilcim Hanim,

Kivilcim turns to him.

Kivilcim: Yes?

Abdullah: Ömer talked to me. I know everything. You can relax.

Kivilcim (surprised): What did Ömer say?

Abdullah: He told me about your relationship.

It becomes quite again. Kivilcim doesn't know what to say.

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