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Ömer and Kivilcim are sitting in the car. None of them speaks. Even if Kivilcim doesn't admit it, seeing him after so many weeks, was so good for her. She had missed him. And so does Ömer. He takes a deep breath again and again to smell her scent. He looks at her through the side mirror. He noticed that she was tense, so he decided to break this silence.

Ömer: How are you?

Kivilcim: Good and I will be even better if I hadn't to see you.

It was, of course, a lie. Although she was mad at him, she felt betrayed, she still loved him very much.

Kivilcim: Where are we going?

Ömer: Surprise. (smilies)

Kivilcim: Ömer, please!

Ömer: We are almost there.

And again, it becomes quiet. So silent that you can hear the heartbeats of both.
After a few minutes, Ömer stopped in front of a house. A small, modern house with lots of large windows. From the outside you could look inside. Kivilcim saw that it was nicely decorated. There were many candles on the floor and on the table in the living room.

Kivilcim: What is this? What is your intention? Can you tell me frankly? (Pointing to the house)

Ömer: I just want to talk, really.                                 

Kivilcim: And that's why everything is so romantically decorated?                    

Ömer: Can you please get out, let's continue talking inside.

Kivilcim: Ömer, look, all this organisation seems very unnecessary to me. I don't know what your intention is, but...

Ömer interrupts her.

Ömer: Kivilcim I am very serious. Please. Give me just some minutes. After that it's your decision. And I promise you, I will never talk to you again, if you don't want it.         

Kivilcim and Ömer get out of the car and go to the house. Ömer opens the door, points to the sofa and they both sit down.

Ömer: I have a request at the beginning. Listen to me to the end and don't interrupt me. The things I'm going to tell you can seem very unrealistic to you and I know it's going to be hard for you to understand it all. But if there is still a little love and trust left in you, then listen to me to the end.

Kivilcim: Believe me, there is no trust left. You took everything away.

Ömer: I know that I made a big mistake. It was never my intention to hurt or harm you.

Kivilcim: I'm sure... Did you really think I will never find out. Were you going to handle both of us at the same time? I am really curious.

Ömer: Do you really think I am such a man?

Kivilcim: I don't know.

Ömer: Don't do this.

Ömer has to fight back tears. His throat is dry, he is very nervous, because for the first time he will tell someone his biggest secret. His biggest fear now is that she won't forgive him despite all this, or worse, that she won't want to be with him because of this secret. Kivilcim notices his tension and now understands how serious the situation is. Until recently, she thought he was trying to trick her.

Kivilcim (calmer) : You brought me here to speak, so please, go on. I don't have much time.

Ömer looks in her eyes, feels ashamed and looks away to the floor.

Ömer: Leman...is the wife of my late twin brother Bekir.

Ömer's voice shakes as he said this. Kivilcim is in shock.

Kivilcim: What?

Her eyes immediately fill with tears.

Ömer: Bekir died in a car accident just a few weeks after the wedding. It was a shock for all of us. At the same time, Leman found out that she was pregnant. My father wanted the child to grow up with a father figure, within our family, he was afraid that Leman might marry someone else and his grandson would have a different surname. (He stops and takes a deep breath) That's why he decided that I and Leman should get married. No one at the time knew Leman was pregnant, except for my father and mother. (He can't hold back his tears anymore) After 3 days we got married. No one could say anything, I couldn't defend myself, what my father said was an order for us. To this day, everyone thinks that Metehan is my son. But he's not. Metehan is Bekir and Leman's son.  (He looks to Kivilcim who is listening to him in a big shock) Leman never became my wife. She was always my sister-in-law for me. We were never a couple and there was never anything going on between us. All that I have just told you, no one knows except me and Leman. I had promised my brother on the day we buried him that I would do my best to protect his legacy, his son, and that no one would ever know. To this day, I have kept that promise.

Ömer takes Kivilcims hand which is shaking and looks deeply in her eyes.

Ömer: Kivilcim, I know I hurt you a lot, I should have told you about all this earlier, but I couldn't. I just want you to know one thing. I love you so much. I can't imagine my life without you anymore, I want to be with you for a lifetime. That's why I had to share all this with you. I don't want to keep any secrets from you.

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