2: Don't get burned

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Taehyung goes rigid as another dragon enters the room and Jungkook knows why. His dragon mark was exposed.

"Oh? What do we have here?"

Taehyung tries to block Jungkook with his body as best as he can.

"You should have knocked, felix."

"Really? And why's that?"

The dragon peers over Taehyung's shoulder trying to get a good look at Jungkook.

"What are you trying to hide from me? A new toy you're playing with?"

Jungkook's mind races in different directions as he thinks of a way to hide the dragon mark. He pulls a blanket around him as fast as he can. Felix barks a sharp, unnerving laugh.

"My god. What have you done to the poor boy? He's covering himself up."

"He won't be covered for long." Taehyung says in a serious tone.

Jungkook shivers at Taehyung's words and prays that they are a part of his act. He quickly re-bandages his arm under the blanket.

"Take that off slave." saying this felix moves towards Jungkook.

Taehyung tries to stop him, but felix is quick. He pulls the blanket from Jungkook's body. Taehyung feels relieved to see the mark covered.

"What's with the bandage?"

Jungkook's heartbeat increases, his mind racing into different directions as he thinks of a suitable reason.

"I was injured during the flight" Jungkook says and releases the breath he didn't knew he was holding till now.

"Injured, huh? Not used to dragon wings, are you fragile, little boy?"

Jungkook swallows a dozen comebacks which he wanted to spit at felix's face. Felix's eyes darken at his silence as he takes a step towards him.

"When you're asked a question, you'll answer. And you will call us 'Master' you cocky—"

Taehyung throws out a powerful arm, stopping felix in his track.

"He wears my collar, felix."

The two dragons face off, after a long tense moment, felix laughs, putting up his hands innocently.

"Got it. He's yours to discipline."

That's when Jungkook see's it. The door behind felix is ajar. Jungkook's mind comes up with various escape plans. With all his strength, he shoves felix out of his way. Felix staggers back in shock. Jungkook heard him cursing but he couldn't care less. Before any of the men can react Jungkook's out of the room. He sprints down hallway after hallway, not daring to look back. Finally he reaches two heavy doors. Assuming it as the exit, Jungkook shoves the door open. He stumbles into a vast room, packed with the dragon lords. Beyond the crowd lies an empty throne.

The dragons all turn towards him. Some are angry, some are confused. But one thing's certain Jungkook had nowhere to run now. It was too late to escape. A chorus of threatening growls keeps him rooted to the spot. The dragons slowly advance in him...

"Enough" A deep voice growls.

Everyone turns when Taehyung enters. He cuts through the crowd and they part for him. Jungkook wonders as to why all the dragons were listening to him. Taehyung walks past him, his head held higher than he has ever seen before. Then he approaches the stone carved throne...... and sits upon it. Everyone bows before him.

"Kneel before your king, slave."

Jungkook's heart pounds in his chest. He had never seen the dragon King. No one had ever seen the dragon King. Jungkook notices Taehyung glaring at him but he notices that he wasn't angry but nervous. Jungkook knew that being his slave is the only way they can protect the secret. He could feel everyone's stare at him. A guard comes forward to grab him—

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