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"That's dumb," Emily says. "I mean, I'm glad he's looking out for her safety, but, still."

Em shoves the remainder of her brownie into her mouth just before she begins to sign. "It should be her decision." She adds. August huffs a laugh into his mug of tea as he takes a sip, unable to not focus on the strange sensation in his hands.

"Yeah," He says, "I dunno. It's not really my place to tell him what or what not to do. All I can do is support him." He gently places his mug down on Emily's countertop, watching from his stool as Sam and his packmates mess around outside the house.

Em taps his arm lightly, catching his attention. "What are the rest of you going to do?" She signs. "Are you going to go with him?"

Emily hums in agreement, her dark eyes watching August intently, though she is unable to speak through her mouthful of coffee. His eyes linger on the scar that stretches across her cheek for just a moment, barely noticeable. August shrugs and picks at his brownie. "Yeah. No." He trails off before he notices their gazes burning into the side of his head. "They are." August informs. "But I'm not. I won't leave my siblings behind — not again. Not after what happened all those years ago. It's not safe for them." He picks his tea up and takes a sip, hoping the warmth of the liquid will distract him from the tingling in his fingertips. "Besides," He says, breaking the quiet that had settled between the trio, "I don't think Bells should be left alone. There is still a nomad out for blood, and no matter how much guilt my brother feels, now is not the time to leave her defenceless."

Em hums softly, nodding, before her jaw drops, eyes trained over August's shoulder. He and Emily share a look before he twists to follow the witch's gaze, finding a tan woman with dark hair standing in the doorway, a small box with nicknacks in her arms.

"Leah," Emily says, obviously shocked. "I... Hi. Can I help you?"

'Leah' hums softly, her dark eyes scanning the room. She looks August over before her eyes settle on Em, and he sees her gulp noticeably, licking her lips as she pulls her attention away, facing Emily. "Uh — no. No, thanks." She clears her throat. "I'm, uh, just dropping off the last of Sam's stuff."

August looks between Em and Leah, a smirk tugging at the corner of his mouth as he watches them watch eachother.

"Oh." Emily says with a nod. "Okay. Did you—?"

Leah takes a moment to respond, distracted by Em's presence. "N— Uh, no, sorry, I, uh. I gotta... gotta go."

"Oh?" Emily asks, somehow oblivious to what is happening before them. "Are you... What are you...?"

"Um." Leah's features contort, her lips pulling into a frown as she finally pays attention to her cousin. "Something for Mom. I don't really... I gotta go." She leaves without giving Emily time to respond.

"Well," August half-smiles, taking another sip of his tea as his eyes flick between Emily and Em. "This just got interesting."

The next day, as he helps Em unpack her groceries onto the kitchen counter, he feels a soft tap on his elbow. August hums, tilting his head slightly as he faces her.

"There's something I need to tell you." Emily tells him, nerves showing in the slight shake of her hands and the way she bites down on her lip.

"What's up?" August signs, brows furrowed. "Is something wrong?"

Em shakes her head. "No. I..." Her hands falter, the woman taking in a sharp breath. "I'm not Emily."

August's brows furrow further as her faces her fully, confused beyond belief. "Sorry?"

AUGUST • C.CULLENWhere stories live. Discover now