~{Bullets and confusion}~

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Word count:891

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Word count:891

I pulled away from Elijah and he pointed towards a booth while placing his hand on the small of my back guiding me towards the booth while Leon had already ran to the booth to claim his spot

"Hahaha I beat you I still hold the record!"I rolled my eyes and sat down "I let you win"I said rolling my eyes " mhmm you always let me win" I pout my lips at him " sometime you gotta let the baby win to keep it from crying"I said with a proud smirk " wel-" a waiter came up too are table "what can I get you today"

Leon smirked " I would like a water " he turned to look at me "umm let me get a.....water with lemon please!"I said smiling at the young woman "and you sir" Elijah looked up "let me get a vodka on rocks with a water please!" I turned my head to look at him "if your getting that then I'm driving" I say with sassiness "ooooo get burned bro"Leon yelled the waiter walked away laughing

~Incoming call from 💕Nora😘~

I answer the phone and get up "hello" 'girl guess what Levi asked me out!' "Wait which Levi curly haired or long haired?" 'Long haired I'll send you a pic to remind you' "please do" I say relieved cause I really forgot what he looked like

~Incoming text from 💕Nora😘~
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I opened the message he was pretty cute

"Period you go girl he cute!" 'I know right and he lives in Boston' "girl wait till I go home ima be on the phone with you all night!" She was blushing I could tell by the tone in her voice "ok!!" Let me know how it goes I have to go I'm so sorry ...

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"Period you go girl he cute!" 'I know right and he lives in Boston' "girl wait till I go home ima be on the phone with you all night!" She was blushing I could tell by the tone in her voice "ok!!" Let me know how it goes I have to go I'm so sorry wifeyy byeeeee!!" I said blowing kisses through the phone she whined through the phone and hung up on me I giggled walking back and saw that the boys were laughing and talking

"I'm back boysss!!" I said while sitting back down next to Elijah they had ordered food and Leon got me some chicken Alfredo with shrimp "finally your lil shrimps were gonna flop off the plate if you took any longer!"he said laughing I grabbed my fork and started eating
~{Time skip 8:45}~

We had finally made it to Elijah's house surprisingly he wasn't drunk but he was tipsy I showed Leon to his room and gave him a tour since I been there for a while I even showed him emergency rooms and rooms he was allowed in (the rooms without mafia like stuff)
"Why he got all these safety measures?!"

I looked at him and make a lie on the spot "he's a very overthinking person and always wants too be prepared for like and natural disasters.....?" I said kind of questioning what I was even saying myself he walked back to his room to take a shower and I sat on the single chair while Elijah he found a movie to watch and sat down on the main couch Leon came down stairs and went to the back room to do his homework and project.

Elijah was staring at me while I was sitting there watching the beginning of the movie then I felt thirsty and decided to get some water to break the awkward tension between us he seemed flirty? AND Elijah followed close behind I wanted to 🔫 myself I grabbed a water bottle and put it on the counter so I could go in the pantry and grabbed my stuff I then turned around and he was staring at me I just stared back


I got up and walked closer to her while She looked up at me, eyes wide and glassy. They shimmered from the light of her own little world inside. I leaned closer to her, Her breath was wispy as she exhaled. I closed the distance with ease, bringing her pink lips onto mine. It was like she was waiting for me to move closer


We pulled away it was Gunshots?Elijah pulled me down on the floor I crawled on the floor to the back and found Leon he was covering his head on the ground I gestured for him too be quit after they got done shooting I told Leon to hide in the secret safe room I grabbed the closest thing too me a curtain??

What the actual heck am I supposed to do with this? Oh well I shrug and then I heard foot steps and hid behind the door I wrapped the curtain around his neck and choked him out another guy came in I hit him with the door and he fell on the ground another guy hit me in the back of the head with a trophy

My ears were ringing and I had blurry vision I couldn't see that much or hear I heard someone walking I was on the floor he kept repeatedly kicking in the ribs I was coughing up blood and grunting and then he stopped and fell Elijah picked me up and grabbed Leon there was a car waiting for us....

hope you enjoyed DONT forget to voteee have a good day/night

~bye my beautiful monkeyyssssssssss💕


𝚆𝚑𝚊𝚝 𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚙𝚎𝚗𝚎𝚍 𝚒𝚗 𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝚜𝚑𝚊𝚍𝚘𝚠𝚜? [𝘊.𝘌  𝘴𝘵𝘰𝘳𝘺]  SEQUEL TO THIS BOOK INCLUDED Where stories live. Discover now