23. I Can't Be Upset at You

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Warning: This chapter contains an attempted suicide attempt by hanging. Please don't read if you're uncomfortable.


Telling Florence what happened was oddly comforting. She was surprised that meeting Mia in the park worked and that she was quick to trust me despite having never met me. At the end, I asked Florence what she thought and if she thinks Clara would ever come around.

"It's possible," she said. "She just has a lot to process. I was thinking you could tell her the good things that could come out of it. The woman who died can be reunited with her family and be given a proper burial. Mia can finally meet her grandparents and Clara doesn't have to hide anymore."

"Do you think they'll get in trouble for lying to the police and government?" I questioned. That was the part that worried me the most.

"It's not really their fault, is it? Well they could've come forward a long time ago but the government put them in this situation. Do you think the government will admit wrongdoing? It just goes to show how poorly the whole case was handled."

"How about the media coverage once the entire world catches wind of it? She lives a very quiet and private life and is gonna be a media sensation." She's not going to like being interrogated and papped everywhere she goes. Florence was stumped at this one as it took a while for her to respond.

"I don't think she'll like it one bit but if she gives it some time, the hype will eventually go away."


The next day.

Florence and I decided to spend the whole day together exploring Lagos. I wanted to give Clara some time to think, and truth be told, I was at a loss for what to do. Florence spent most of yesterday walking around so I felt terrible we were going to the same places she's already been. She was already becoming an expert tour guide for Lagos.

"We should eat at this restaurant one of these days," she said, pointing to a restaurant across the street. "They serve traditional Portuguese food with a twist! His wife is Japanese and they're both classically trained chefs so they've created a Portuguese-Japanese fusion restaurant."

I took a moment to think. I already know what Portuguese and Japanese food are like but when I tried to put them together, my mind drew a complete blank. The only thing in common I could think of was the shared love for seafood but one is cooked and the other is raw. I've got nothing against raw fish but it wasn't part of my diet growing up so it takes some getting used to.

Once we were done exploring the city, we took an Uber to the cliffs again. Although we've been here many times before, it still felt new to us but with mixed feelings. It was times like this that I wish I could wipe my mind clean and start new again.

Florence's grip on my arm tightened when we approached the lighthouse. It was clear she feared a repeat of last time but I put my hand over hers and told her I was fine. Eventually, we made our way towards the cliff and my eyes strained to see if I could see a flower on the rock. There was none and I couldn't help but feel disappointed.

"So that's where you are!" I turned around to see Mia out of breath as if she ran all the way here. "You weren't at the park today." I didn't want to tell her it was a Tuesday and I wasn't expecting her at the park.

"How'd you find me?" I asked. Lagos isn't the biggest city per se but I could've literally been anywhere.

"Ponta da Piedade is one of the biggest attractions here. I figured if you weren't at the park, you were probably here," she answered. Her eyes went to Florence who stood there shocked. "Is that your girlfriend?"

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