Chapter 7

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"Well shit," Denji said picking his nose as he watched on the tv where it currently displayed Endeavor beating the bioengineered Nomu. The said flame hero, lifting his fist up high in victory. "Thought we'd lose our number one already."

"Aw, don't be so negative, Denji-san!" Mirio said rubbing the ginger's head. "At least have some faith in the guy! Plus...Eri's gonna stay with us now, so...keep the cursing down to the minimum...hehe..."

"Hm? Sure, whatever."

"Thanks!" then the blonde switched his attention to his classmates sitting and lazing around the couch. "And keep like...the murderous attempts to a halt too! We got a kid in the room!"

Hakuji scoffed. "That's going to be difficult."

"Yep," Yasu agreed. "I can't beat the shit out of Power and Denji anymore, huhu..."

Denji scoffed, "Quit dick-riding me, lady! I know you're in love with me!"

"Kill yourself."

"Bitch I can't. Even if I wanted to."


The pink-haired girl gets her head dragged along the mattress by an invisible force.

"C'mon guys!" Mirio pleaded. "I said keep allat beating up to a minimum!"

"TO be said all the 'murderous attempts'..." a new voice said. "Not beat downs..."

Then Mirio turned to the new voice, rubbing his nape with a grin. "'re kinda right, but that still applies, Kaba Takumi-san!"

This man, Takumi, his quirk was being able to manipulate water to any form he desires. He's especially dominating in the field if he's near a huge body of water. If he was near the ocean...he'd totally wipe anyone out. The man had pure dark hair, green eyes, a toothy yet playful grin, and a toned figure, standing at a decent 5'7. As of now, he only wore his boxers.

Y/n squinted. "Takumi...where are your clothes?"

"Well, Itoh Aika over here had the audacity to call me a 'fish whisperer,'" the latter responded, grumbling. "I scolded her and she burned my clothes. She used her quirk on me, man. I only called her a cunt! Like those Brits out there."

"You...literally called me a cunt...a fucking foreign insult..." Aika herself retaliated. "How the fuck do you think I was going to react to that shit?!" she shouted at the latter, her glare hardening as her forearms glowed and throbbed with a red hue, showing the skeletal structure of her forearms.

Aika was a tall woman with brown hair, grey eyes, a fixed glare expression, and a toned build. Standing at 5'8 she had a decent balance in the cake and bun factory, her chest slightly larger than Nejire's, however, she too was skilled in boxing. Her quirk would allow her to let out powerful explosive punches on the impact that would send shockwaves. The more power she added to the punch, the more explosive they become. 

"R-Right fine, whatever..." Takumi finally admitted, rubbing his cheek.

"Wow you too really like each other, huh?" Nejire jokingly said.

"L-Like?!" Aika retaliated, her face suddenly turning beet red. "S-Shut up! Just because you're strong...d-dosen't mean you can assume!"

The blue-haired teenager giggled like a child. "You're face says otherwise!"

The brunette could only grumble before trudging toward the kitchen.

Y/n scratched his head. "She...didn't deny it though."

You call that a hero? (A MHA x male reader story)Where stories live. Discover now