Chapter 11: Kevin's New Godly Power; Human & Goddess vs Demon Lord

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(3rd POV)

[Kevin's mindscape]

"Wait, what the hell am I??" Kevin wonders where he is right now. Then Ddraig appeared infront of him as he roared to the sky and said.

[Raaarrgghhh!!!!] "(Look at Kevin) Yo Partner, it's good to see you here." Ddraig greeted his partner.

"Ddraig? Why am I here? I remember that Rias throws that spear into my chest. (Gritted his teeth) Damn it, only if I shouldn't lower my guard down and I should've kill her before." Kevin said to his partner.

"Well, it is not your fault that you lower your guard down. In fact, someone wants to talk to you." Ddraig said and Kevin was confused until then...

*Tap* *Tap* *Tap* *Tap* *Tap*

A footsteps can be heard as Kevin turned around only to see the person who's look like him. That person is no other than Kiana's ancestor and the hero of humanity - Kevin Kaslana. The true ancestor of the Kaslana, the Flamechaser - Deliverance, The Serpent or Sire from the World Serpent organization, the Lone observer, Merlin, and the strongest warrior who fought against the Herrscher of the End.

(Kevin Kaslana - Ancestor of Kaslana Clan, The Deliverance, World Serpent)

(Kevin Kaslana - Ancestor of Kaslana Clan, The Deliverance, World Serpent)

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{RKevin - Real Kevin/ True Ancestor of Kaslana}
{Kevin - Kevin/Issei}

"So, you're must be my successor? I'm very impressed with your skills and performances, and you've managed to claim the Herrscher of the End as your ally or lover." RKevin said to his descendant.

"What? I thought the Real Kevin is so cold towards the others and had hatred towards the honkai? And also, Kiana is her name, not the Herrscher of the End." Kevin said while glaring at him.

"I understand that, my successor. By the way, are you serious on taking this role to protect the humanity as a hero? Either if your enemy is honkai, supernatural and humans who goes against us??" RKevin said waiting for his successor's answer.

"Yes I do. I am ready for this destiny. I'll do everything what I can, even if I go to the path where there are chaos and destruction. It is my job as their hero, an observer, a leader and their hope. I am the humanity's last hope. I served no one except for my Goddess Kiana, a goddess who is once a human and she wishes to achieve her goals as a heroine called Valkyrie, a heroine who is willing to save everyone from her enemies. She is willing to sacrifice everything for them, and I will do the same as hers. Now my Ancestor Kevin Kaslana, lend me your power and knowledge to defeat my enemies and save the whole world from Chaos and Destruction." Kevin(Issei) said to him, which the Real Kevin was so glad to hear his successor who's willing to save the whole world.

"Then, feel free to use his power. You deserve his power since you deemed yourself worthy, and hold the power of the dragon god. After all, he is with us all the time." RKevin said as he pointed his Divine Key towards the right revealing the gigantic three headed golden dragon, the Monster Zero, the Apex predator and the King of Void, Destruction and End - Ghidorah aka Void Ghidorah.

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