Chapter Fifteen: A Pretty Bad Reunion

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The field was quiet for a few moments until suddenly I coughed. Just one, small cough. Most of the people in the field turned and finally noticed me. My head hung low, causing my bangs to fall in front of my face and shield my eyes from view. I felt almost exposed, which I suppose is understandable since it was one of the only times I had ever been outside without wearing my cloak in these past two and a half years. Not to mention my hands were tied behind my back around the tree. I stood there in silence as everyone turned to stare at me.

“Who is that?” I heard Temari ask. Someone was making their way towards me, but I didn't dare to look up to see who it was.

“That doesn't matter right now,” Kakashi's voice said. His voice sounded pretty close; he must have been the person who walked over to me.

“She's that Akatsuki girl!” Kankuro cried. Despite not looking up I could feel his glare, amongst a few others, upon me. I retained my stoic expression as everyone in the field stared. But then I felt a certain gaze. That oh-so-familiar gaze I could never mistake. I slowly lifted my head so my face was visible and instantly met the stare of the red-headed Kazekage. His sea foam green eyes widened in shock and he almost lost his balance when he saw me, and he uttered one, stuttering word.



My gaze averted to the floor as I refused to look up. I couldn't bear to look up into his shocked sea-green eyes. I heard him take a step forwards, only to be stopped by his sister.

“Don't, Gaara!” she hissed, somehow restraining him, though I couldn't see what she was doing. I heard some movement and the redheaded boy was taking another few slow steps towards me until he was only a few inches away.

“Mizuki...” he said, his voice coming out in a choked whisper. I refused to look up, blinking away tears that threatened to pour. Suddenly I saw the droplets of something fall past my face and realised what  they were. Tears? Gaara was... crying?


Despite my efforts not to, I looked up to meet the gaze of my former lover, the boy who I had betrayed my entire village to protect. He was standing so close that I could feel his short, sometimes choked, breaths upon my face. Temari was stood   less than a metre behind him, a concerned expression upon her face. The two of us stood for a few long moments, simply looking into each others' eyes. My heart was beating so loudly that I was sure the entire field could hear it. I certainly could.

The atmosphere was tense, silent. Nobody spoke for a few unbearably long minutes, until Gaara finally decided to open his mouth.

“Where have you been?” he whispered. “Why are you tied up?”

I just stared at him and didn't respond.

“Answer me,” he urged, his voice becoming slightly louder. I still didn't open my mouth.

“Gaara-” Temari began.

“No, I want to know,” her brother snapped, cutting her off sharply. He turned back to me but I was once again staring at the floor.

“Gaara-sama, now's not the time...” Kakashi informed him gently. Gaara ignored him and continued to stare at me, and I noticed a frantic look growing in his eyes as I looked back up.

“Please, Mizuki. Tell me,” the red headed boy urged, and I finally responded with a simple shake of my head. I bit my lip so hard that a small trickle of blood began to run down my chin and more tears formed in my eyes, but this time I didn't stop them.

“Mizuki!” he cried, desperately now, taking hold of my shoulders and attempting to shake me, causing me to wince in pain as my arms were pulled painfully due to being tied. I could hear hushed whispers behind him as the onlooking villagers and shinobi discussed the scene before them curiously.

“That's the Kazekage's girlfriend, isn't it?” I heard one of the shinobi whisper.

“I heard she disappeared a few years back, no one's seen her since. Is that really her?” another voice said.

“Gaara-sama...” Kakashi walked slowly over to us and placed his hands on the boy's shoulders, gently leading him away. This time Gaara didn't stop him, allowing him to lead him away from the scene. I watched in silence, ignoring the rest of the curious people that had gathered. Temari began to walk towards me slowly, an unfathomable expression upon her face. She seemed unsure of whether to be angry or happy, and I could see the struggle of conflicting emotions betrayed in her eyes.

“Mizuki,” she managed to choke out eventually, after staring at me for a few long moments. I saw her expression waver for a moment as she reached out towards me but then she pulled her hand back quickly, although her eyes betrayed reluctance as she did so. I didn't respond verbally, but I knew she could see my silent acknowledgement in my expression.

“It's best you go,” Gai said gently, and Temari nodded slowly, giving me one last look before she turned and followed her brother.


Sorry for the short chapter guys T.T I didn't wanna do a time skip mid chapter but I couldn't think what to add to this and I've been stuck on it for months (literally, I had most of this written back in October)

I'm trying to get into writing again, but sorry for the wait in the meantime T.T

Anyway, I'll try and get the next chapter out ASAP and I PROMISE you guys that I will finish all of my stories, I hate seeing a story unfinished.

Anyway, keep an eye out for the next update! ^-^ (if anyones still even reading this T.T)

So yeah, have a nice week and don't forget to leave a comment and vote if you enjoyed” :)

Also.. what the hell happened to fans? Why have we got followers now? :( That sucks

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