Chapter Nine: The Demon Fox's Cloak

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I'm nice, so I updated. WORSHIP ME. By the way here's a picture of a llama. For no reason at all. >>>


"Deidara!" I screamed, grabbing his cloak, only to be pulled down with him.

"Crap!" my hand slipped from his cloak, ripping the hem a little as I fell past him. I landed hard on the dusty floor and half sat up, leaning on my elbows as I whipped my head up to look at Deidara, who was only a few metres away from the ground. Suddenly, four more Naruto clones leapt out of the trees, each one punching him. I screamed and rolled out of the way when I realised they were all about to crash straight on top of me, and the five of them smashed into the ground right where I'd just been lying a split second earlier. I was sent flying as they created a crater in the ground where they fell, and began coughing as smoke clouded my vision.

I saw a fifth Naruto jump into the smoke cloud and heard Deidara's cries of pain as Naruto punched him forcefully. Suddenly another three Narutos surrounded me, closing in on me, their eyes blazing with murderous anger.

"Oh shit."


As expected, all three Narutos instantly dived towards me, fists clenched. At last moment, right before their fists could connect to my face, I suddenly ducked, causing the three to collide. I rolled out of the way and watched as the three struggled, but then they quickly jumped to their feet and glared at me. I jumped up into a tree and landed on a branch, but Naruto suddenly landed in front of me. He raised his fist and forcefully punched me, causing me to topple off the branch and crash-land on the ground below. The three Narutos once again leapt towards me with their fists clenched, and this time I couldn't stop them. I groaned in pain as they punched me, each of them straight after the other so I didn't even have time to react or push them away.

Suddenly two of them began forming the rasengan, a ball of swirling chakra in one of their hands. I closed my eyes, ready for the impact, but it didn't come. I felt myself soaring in the air and soon slowly cracked my eyes open to meet Deidara's gaze. We were both lying on the ground, hidden under some foliage.

"What the hell happened?" I asked, confused.

"Replacement jutsu, un. I used my clay. When they realised and were distracted, I grabbed you and escaped, un," he explained.

"Wait, what? You couldn't have grabbed me.. you have no arms," I objected.

"I have my ways."

"What's that supposed to mean?"

He didn't answer, instead gazing ahead of us to where Naruto was. I averted my gaze and my eyes widened when I saw bright red, evil chakra radiating in clouds from his body.It enveloped his entire being as he remained crouched over the mauled clay version of Deidara.

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