Chapter Twelve: My Old Comrades

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I'm so sorry for the long wait :'( I've got seriously bad writer's block, so I might mess up this chapter a little >_< I'm trying to force myself out of the writer's block.

Also, you like the Akatsuki cloud I drew then painted on my wall? :D (Le photo on the side)

It's a little weird due to my wall being really bumpy so I made a fair few mistakes with wonky lines but eh, I tried :3 I might go over it when I can be bothered. The red isn't as bright as that, it's darker like on the cloaks, but I had the flash on my camera on so it looks bright :P

There'll be a bit more talking in this chapter, but sorry, it's necessary :')


"She's fine, trust me," Kakashi replied coolly, waiting as I hesitantly, yet robotically, made my way closer to them. Suddenly I stopped, realising how vulnerable I looked. Maybe this was why Kakashi had told them (or so I assumed) to make me come towards them, so he could catch me off guard. Realising this, I scowled and held my head up high, forcing the confidence to seep back into my body as I walked forwards with new-found courage. I stopped and crossed my arms when I was about three metres away from the group, who were all standing in a defensive line, shielding Gaara from my view.

"What do you want?" I demanded, trying not to let my discomfort show through; the reason for my discomfort being that Kakashi was now studying me even harder, scrutinising my features, especially my face. This went on for several tense, silent minutes until suddenly he looked certain of something, and took a step towards me. Automatically the people beside him tried to restrain him in warning, but he shook his head at them and they dropped their arms, allowing him to take another step forwards. My instincts told me to take a step backwards, away from him, but I resisted due to sheer willpower. Kakashi studied me for a moment longer, before the two most unexpected sentences formed on his lips.

"It's nice to see you again. It's been a while... Mizuki Kiyomizu."


That stopped me. My eyes shot wide and every limb in my body froze to ice as I stared at the white-haired man before me. He knew. He knew who I was... but how?

"I-I don't know what you're talking about," I replied, trying not to stutter, but he wasn't so easily fooled. He took a few more steps forwards, coming a little too close for comfort. He was still a couple of metres away, yet I still felt uncomfortable, taking a small, shaky step backwards.

"You can't fool me... I can see it in your eyes. I sensed from the moment I laid eyes on you that I knew you from somewhere. I've been studying you and your reactions to everything around you; that's how I figured it out."

"Hang on, what do you mean?! She can't be Mizuki! Mizuki's dead!" Naruto cried frantically, his blonde head whipping between me and Kakashi, confusion clearly displayed on the boy's face.

"We didn't know for sure if she was dead, though, did we?" Kakashi reminded him, his gaze still locked on me. "We just assumed, since she disappeared without leaving a note behind... two and a half years ago."

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