Chapter Sixteen: Interrogation

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Yooo guys sorry for such a late chapter like srsly I half write chapters bu then I stop and don't go back to them for months oops but yeah it's my birthday in less than two weeks oooh and for anyone who reads homestuck one of my best friends went to the MCM convention in London a couple of weeks ago enjoy a picture of her to the side wooo she was Trickster Dave Strider or something I dunno I don't read homestuck but she made the whole costume herself it was her first time ever making a cosplay so ace job yo.

ps shes the taller one with the cape that cape was my favourite thing I used to put it on every time I went to her house whilst she was making cosplays and run up and down the stairs in it

Anyway enjooooooyyyyy


“Gaara-sama...” Kakashi walked slowly over to us and placed his hands on the boy's shoulders, gently leading him away. This time Gaara didn't stop him, allowing him to lead him away from the scene. I watched in silence, ignoring the rest of the curious people that had gathered. Temari began to walk towards me slowly, an unfathomable expression upon her face. She seemed unsure of whether to be angry or happy, and I could see the struggle of conflicting emotions betrayed in her eyes.

“Mizuki,” she managed to choke out eventually, after staring at me for a few long moments. I saw her expression waver for a moment as she reached out towards me but then she pulled her hand back quickly, although her eyes betrayed reluctance as she did so. I didn't respond verbally, but I knew she could see my silent acknowledgement in my expression.

“It's best you go,” Gai said gently, and Temari nodded slowly, giving me one last look before she turned and followed her brother.


I came to in a dark, unfamiliar place. I couldn't see my surroundings clearly but I felt the strange sensation of being airborne. My mind was still groggy, and it took a few minutes and several hundred blinks for my head to clear and my eyes to adjust to the looming darkness. I was in a room alone. It was a fairly small room, with no windows except one that had been boarded up with wood. The wood had a few small holes in, allowing a tiny amount of sunlight, the only source of light in the room, to shine through dimly. To the right of me was a door. Upon first inspection it looked like an ordinary door but then the sun suddenly shone just a little bit brighter for a moment and lit up the room slightly more, enabling me to see the door properly. It was twice the size of a normal door and reinforced with steel. The only sound was my own breathing. I was alone.

My eyes snapped wide open with a jolt when I realised I was suspended in mid-air. I instantly began to struggle and a loud clinking sound filled the room and I gathered that my wrists were shackled by steel chains hanging from the ceiling so my arms were suspended above my head, holding me in the air. Supporting them were two more chains shackled to my ankles. I began to panic, but I realised it probably wasn't smart to start screaming or crying for help. I still had no idea where I was or who had brought me here, but whoever it was clearly didn't want me escaping.

Suddenly, I heard the sound of metal being moved. I wasn't sure what it was but the noise was loud, intimidating. It came from the right, and most likely from the other side of the door, and my eyes remained firmly locked on the massive door. The sun suddenly dimmed – probably a cloud passing over it – so now I could barely see anything. I could just about make out the door and my eyes remained fixed upon it. As I watched, the door swung slowly open, as if the person pushing it was putting in a great amount of effort to do so. How heavy was this freaking door?

Look Alive, Sunshine (Sequel to A Twisted Love Story) ~Naruto Fanfic~Where stories live. Discover now