Chapter Three: Close Calls

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Sorry for not uploading regularly D: I usually do, but I'm not well :/ I would have uploaded earlier except I had a little.. Episode. Basically I fainted or passed out or whatever you want to call it. It wasn't the greatest experience of my life but ah well, that's why I didn't update earlier DX To make up for it here's yet another amusing Naruto fan made video; this time Tobi is singing a song to Deidara... Deidara isn't amused. Also a funny Akatsuki photo :D >>>

Also this is dedicated to Ninjasauras because she has a reeeeeeeeally awesome story called Your Blood, its a Gaara love story and has a sequel, My Heart. Its definately one of my favourites on Wattpad, check it out, seriously xD

AAAND it's Gaara's birthday today, 19th of January. How do i know this? Because i know everything about everyone @_@ Seriously I know half the character's birthdays, even Shizune's. Then again I only know Shizune's because it's 18th November, same date as mine ^_^ How do I know character's birthdays? I dunno, I just do.. Yeah so happy birthday Gaara (I'm saying happy birthday to a fictional character, I need help).

Okay so technically it's early morning of 20th January now where I am in Britain but when I started writing it was the 19th so whatever D; and if you live in America or whatever it's still the 19th I think? Anyway I'll stop blabbing.. But not before:

DISCLAIMER: I only own Mizuki, Eiko, the fairy things and the creepy weirdo that sucks people into different dimensions and the occasional random character who doesn't exist in the original series. As much as I wish otherwise, I do not own Naruto! All rights go to Masashi Kishimoto (I love that guy). If I did own Naruto, Sasuke wouldn't be an evil douche, Ino would be flushed down a toilet, Kakashi wouldn't read those pervy books that Jiraya writes, kabuto would have been eaten by gremlins a long long time ago, preferably during the chunin exams, and SasuSaku would be banned. BANNED I SAY! Anyway, happy reading ^^

Wow this was a long author's note.


"That's amazing he survived the blast.... If he survived it, un," he said.

"Don't say that," I growled, before I could stop myself. The blood flowing from where I'd bitten my lip was now down to my chin. Woah, I'd bitten pretty hard.

I looked up and gasped. There was sand suddenly encasing the two of us. No no no no no no, I thought. It can't be.... the fatal jutsu...

My fears were confirmed as I heard Gaara cry,

"Sand prison!"


"Crap!" I fell off my bird, not being able to see with the sand swirling around us. Deidara grabbed me around the waist before I could fall and placed me behind him. He had a lot of practise on these things..

"Well this certainly isn't good, un," Deidara stated as he attempted to evade the sand. We flew towards an opening, only to have it close before we reached it, and the bird smashed into it at full force. Soon we were completely engulfed in a ball of sand like Gaara's.

"Great, now what?!" I cried.

"Relax, un." I couldn't see what he was doing but suddenly he did a handsign and blasted a hole in the wall of sand. We both fell off the bird and went flying towards the ground, but then sand reached out and grabbed Deidara by the leg, throwing him towards the ball of sand that was encasing Gaara.

"Deidara!" I yelled, still airborne. I was so distracted that, instead of attempting to land safely, which wasn't looking like a good idea anyway because of the height I fell from, I smashed to the ground forcefully.

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