Chapter Thirteen: Run

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I'm so sorry about not updating D: I just haven't had the motivation to write. But ANYWAY here it is! (If anyone's gonna bother to read it now xD)

I would have updated sooner but a) I was put back an hour due to a song from my favourite band being released after two years (and I know some of my fans are also fans of this band so there's the link to the song on the side so you can either listen because it's fantastically amazing or listen for the first time if you didn't know about it yaay) so me and one of my best friends were having fangirl orgasms over it and b) Just as I finished the chapter my freaking internet went off so I couldn't upload it last night T.T


'You're going to have to run,'he instructed me. 'It's your only way out. Even if you did release me I doubt I'd be able to take all of them down anyway.'

Well, that was a first. He was normally too prideful to admit anything like that. But even he, high-and-mighty as he may be, saw that the odds were against us.

'It's the only chance you've got. Some of them may be faster than you but you're going to have to risk that. Run, Mizuki.'

I nodded mentally and prepared myself, activating my byakugan quickly so that I could figure out an escape route. I figured that I had roughly ten seconds before they would attack, and so I used that short amount of time to glance around the trees behind me, my eyes darting around as I decided the best way to go. Once I had confirmed which direction I was going to head, I began counting.

'Three... Two... One...'

“Get her!”

And the chase began.


I started running instantly, across the short length of field until I reached the trees, my route already pre-determined. I raced through the trees, easily choosing the best way to go with the aid of my byakugan. Guiding my own way, I darted past randomly placed bushes and logs, almost slamming into one that I somehow didn't notice, despite using my byakugan.

I sped up every so often, trying to keep as much ahead as I possibly could. My heart was pounding in my ears and my muscles were screaming, begging me to rest, but I couldn't stop. I couldn't let them catch me. I knew it was cowardly, but I couldn't face them. Not now, not ever.

I didn't know how long I'd been running or how far I'd ran but I didn't care. I was taking random, winding paths and taking sharp, sudden turns in order to create confusion and hopefully lose them as quickly as possible. It seemed to be working, as I hadn't seen any of them since I set off. I knew I couldn't let this thought slow me down though. I had to keep pushing myself or they'd surely find me even if I took a moments rest. My muscles were going to pay me back for this later. I didn't know how long it would take for them to lose track of me completely. Minutes? Hours? Who knew?

My plan was to get away. Get as far away as I could from this place, and keep running until I could run no more. I just prayed that I'd be able to get far enough away that they lost track of me and I'd be able to rest. Then I could think clearly and plan everything out. My mind was a jumble, and I was just running aimlessly now, hoping that I wouldn't run into any of them. I didn't even know who had come after me. Surely not all of them. Some of them needed to stay behind to take care of Gaara.

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