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"Liao, throw the fucking ball!" Mya shouted from across the basketball court. There was only 10 seconds left until the game was finally over, and I was so sure the game would be mine.

That was until her grimy little hands stole the ball right as I passed it to Mya. I could hear her little snicker when she dribbled the ball and dashed through the court.

"What the fuck!" I chased after her but it was too late. She had already made it through the net and sent a derisive smirk my way, practically skipping her way towards the locker room.

Coach Clark's whistle echoed throughout the gymnasium. "Class is over, hit the showers people!"

"Nice going, Liao." Mya growled in my ear, shoulder checking me as she did.

"Fuck you."

Coach Clark sent me a nasty glare, her braided ponytail swaying when she snapped her head in my direction. "Watch your language."

"How did losing to me for the 5th time this week feel, Tristian?" Natasha snickered, smacking me with her thin headband.

I growled, rising from the bench. I slightly towered over her since she was only 5'9, whereas I was 6'0. I had more of a built figure compared to her skinny one. Her head tilted up, her smirk threatening to show as she ran her tongue over her bottom teeth.

"You only won because you cheated." I lie straight through my teeth as an attempt to rattle her.

She arched an eyebrow. "Says who?"


"Well I say you're nothing but a sore loser, Liao." She holds eye contact with me before she walks away, her gym shorts hugging her round ass. My gaze flickers down to her behind and I not so subtly smirk once she catches me in the act.


"Congrats, baby." My mom gushes, giving me a wet sloppy kiss on my cheek. My younger brothers and my dad stand right behind her, holding a camera to capture our moment.

"Thanks mom." I mumble, looking away from her in embarrassment. I fidget with the tassels on my cap, feeling my cheeks warm.

We ask one of my teachers to take a photo of my family and I, and my mom squeals in excitement right after.

Today was graduation day, and the ceremony had just ended. Teachers, families, and students filled the football field of our school.

As I stand and laugh with my mother, I catch the eye of Tristian, who stands awkwardly next to hers. I can tell she feels out of place, even though she was so popular and befriended most of our class.

I pitied her just a bit, but that small hint of pity washed away instantly when I noticed her scowl pointed directly at me. I excused myself, striding over to her in my short heels.

"Oh god." She groaned almost playfully. "Spare me whatever-"

"I just wanted to say goodbye." I shrug, biting my tongue. I usually follow up with a snide remark about her athletic skills, and how she had absolutely no control over her temper, but this time I didn't.


"This is the last time we'll be seeing each other, so..bye." I fiddle with my hands, staring at my feet when I notice her blank expression.

She holds her hand out, clouding the vision of my feet. I look up and almost recoil at the sudden softness of her features, something I wasn't used to seeing on her at all.

Reluctantly, I put my hand out to shake hers and suddenly feel insecure of my bony fingers compared to her thick ones. She was quite literally staring into my soul, almost like if she managed to look away, I would flee from the very spot I was currently in.

"See you never." She says in a voice barely above a whisper.

We maintain eye contact as I walk away, and her dark eyes watch my every move from her spot near the bleachers. I feel a small empty feeling in the pit of my stomach, but I brush it off as the sad feeling of parting ways with all the classmates I had grew up with.

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