Chapter 2

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Never in a million years did I think I would be in the center of a dance floor, on a school night with a large group of people I haven't even spoken to beforehand, dancing the night away.

I hadn't realized 3 hours had passed until Monte was pulling me towards the exit. I had trouble walking in the stumpy heals I was forced to wear by the girls.

I thought I was only slightly tipsy, but in reality I was very drunk, feeling my head spin as I was being dragged to our car. I heard my own voice but I couldn't exactly understand what I was saying.

I was being pushed into the backseat of someone's car, falling into Violet's lap.

"Did everyone have fun?" Logan asks, looking back at everyone in the backseat. I could see small split images of his face before I completely blacked out.

My head was pounding. My braids flung all over the bed I laid in, with my arms hanging off the bed lazily. Thankfully the blinds to the window of the room I was currently in were closed shut, leaving the room almost pitch black. I blinked my eyes repeatedly until I was able to see properly.

The clock in front of me read 9:23 AM, which means I've been in this bed for about 8 hours and some minutes. I could hear some talking outside of the bedroom, so when I sat up to leave I noticed a few things wrong. I was naked. Butt naked.

I immediately fell back into bed and covered myself with the heavy blanket I had just slept in. There was a knock at the door, and I feared a middle aged man would appear to reminisce about our night together.

Once the door opened, Violets face appeared and she held a glass of water, and some aspirin. She sent me a small smile, placing them onto the nightstand near me before pushing up her thin framed glasses.

"What.." I cleared my throat after hearing my groggy voice. "What happened last night?"

She turned to me and set her butt onto the nightstand, crossing her arms. "We had fun."

"We just partied—I mean, you guys partied and had a little bit too much fun. You got shitfaced—as expected—and ended up throwing up all over yourself. I cleaned you off and took off your clothes but you were already asleep by the time I came back with clean clothes for the night."

"Okay. Do you have those clean clothes now? I can't really go back to my apartment in the clothes I wore last night." I neatly placed my braids behind my back, careful not to let the blanket fall.

"Of course." She says, leaving the room quickly.

As soon as she does, Monte barges in with her usual cheerful self. "You're alive!"


"You look like you had so much fun last night." She nudged my arm, sitting right beside me, almost too close.

I forgot to mention that they were all juniors whereas I was a freshman, so they all still saw me as a little kid and treated me like one too. Last night was my first night out with them since classes began 3 months ago.

"I don't really remember much from last night, but spare me the details." I fall back into the sheets sluggishly, bringing the blanket up to my nose.

"Do you have any classes today? I can take you on my way to work?" She speaks in a calm tone and rubs my shoulder smoothly.

"Communications class. 12 PM." I groan and turn away from the blinding light coming from the bedroom door.

I was up after 2 hours of laying in bed trying to figure out if it really be all that bad if I skipped class this evening. Monte forced me to get up and drove me to campus along with Logan and Tommy in the back seat.

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