Chapter 1

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"More champagne, Ms. Best?" Lori, my maid asks me, with her hand outstretched next to me while holding a platter full of glasses of champagne. She has a fake smile plastered on her face, with her lips coated in red lipstick.

"Of course, thank you." I smile to myself, smoothing back my braids as I grab my glass of champagne. I lay back in my seat, admiring the view of my pool looking over the city.

My sun-kissed brown skin glistened in the sunlight, my privates covered in a bikini that was 2 sizes too small. I sighed in contentment when the warm air hit my body, a small smile appearing on my face when I closed my eyes.

And when I opened them, I was met with the navy blue ceiling that covered my bleak room. I glanced at my window curtains, suddenly hearing the sound of a bus passing by.

I sighed, sitting up and throwing my covers open to start my morning routine. I wished I stayed asleep and finished the rest of my unrealistic yet satisfying dream.

I bounced around my tiny apartment trying to find a decent outfit for the evening. I had very little time to style my hair, so I let my braids fall behind my back for the remainder of the day.

I was in the middle of jogging to the library, hiking up my baggy pants to avoid them getting wet. It didn't rain too often here in New York, but when it did it rained hard. I cursed myself for choosing to live in an apartment rather than just living on campus.

Although it wasn't exactly my choice. I came out to my mom just a month or so before starting my freshman year of college, and she didn't exactly respond in the way I expected her to. She was always so supportive and caring, so I assumed she would love me no matter what. But I was dead wrong.

She responded with silence and simply walked away and lived her life like it didn't happen. But for extra measures, she refused to let me live in a dorm and instead paid my apartment monthly to reassure herself that I wouldn't be interacting with other women..sexually.

Needless to say, our close relationship came to a sudden halt and I was forced to adapt to my life as a college student in the big city.

I quietly slip into the library's front door, smiling at the girl behind the front desk. I was on my way to the library to meet up with a small friend group of mine before my evening classes.

They immediately spot me once I enter and wave me over as they greet me. I put my bag down near my chair after pulling my laptop out.

"You're late." Violet deadpans, throwing her textbook open.

I opened my mouth to defend myself until Tommy, one of the guys in the group, spoke up. "Who cares? Did you think we came here to study?" He runs a hand through his black hair and nudges his girlfriend, Monte.

"Yeah," She nods her head with her curls bouncing up and down. Her full lips are opened wide in excitement. "We're all heading to Short Stories tonight."

"'We'?" I arch an eyebrow, making eye contact with everyone around the table. "We as in who?"

Monte pushes her laptop to the side "Us and like all of A.J.'s dormitory."

Tommy throws an arm around her, a content smile on his face. "It's going to be so crowded and I'm practically pissing just thinking about it."

"Okay first all of, ew," I grimace, rolling my eyes. "Second of all, what about our presentation that's due tonight?"

Monte is very close to falling out of her seat due to her leg shaking so anxiously. "We're getting it done before 9 so we can get shit-faced and not have to worry about anything once we get back to our rooms."

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