Chapter 7

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She's been getting bold lately, glaring at me, shouting at me, and now she's resorting to violence to get her point her across. She almost sounds like me. I refuse to let her get away.

I jog after her and manage to get ahold of her arm that sways back and forth by her aggressive walk. She spins around and begins to seethe at the sight of me once again. I'm amused at the amount of energy she seems to be putting into her stare, trying her hardest to intimidate me.

"Why can't you just leave me alone?"

"Why can't you just hear me out up?" I snap, taking a step closer. Her hardened features falter just as I get in her face, nearly startling her.

"I don't want to listen to what you have to say, Tristian." I get hardcore flashbacks from the way she says my name with ease, almost as if she was taunting me again.

"Why not?" I scoff, throwing my arms to the side helplessly. "Stop pretending like I don't exist, not after giving me so much attention in high-school. You don't get to do that to me."

"What happened.." Her voice raises slightly, catching the attention of a few other people wandering campus. She glances around nervously, turning back to me with saddened expression.

"What happened in high-school doesn't matter. It was high-school, everyone had their own problems."

"Yeah, and you were mine." I clench my jaw and ball my loose hands up into fists, experiencing a sharp pang of anger.

She steps forward, trying her best to not draw any attention towards us. "I realize that now. But let's not act like you didn't retaliate. We were both idiots, and now it's over. What's past is past, Tristian."

"So why won't you look at me?" I take another step forward and align my face with hers, following her movements so that she has no other choice but to look me in the eye.

"I'm not doing this with you right now." She scoffs, turning away to begin speed walking down the grass. I already know where she's headed, so I follow after her.

"Fine. Let's talk later. When are you free?" I mutter as we pass a group of people, burying my hands into the pockets of my jacket and begin walking beside her.

"Why do you want to talk to me so bad?"

"Why do you want to avoid me so bad?"

I can hear her gulp, sending me a side glance from her spot. She rolls her eyes, shaking her head lightly.

I sigh, pushing the door open as we enter the main building. "Look, I'm sorry for snapping at you, okay? I just want a fresh start. The only people here that I know are you and Andy."

"Why can't you ju-"

"If you're going to be late to my class, at least shut up as you walk in." Our professor says in a loud, booming voice so that his words echo throughout the entire room.

Natasha practically freezes in her spot by the door, her eyes slowly landing on me.

I chuckled nervously, sending an apologetic smile over to him. "That's our bad.."

He stares at us blankly, turning back towards the large chalkboard to continue his lesson. We silently head up the stairs in embarrassment, avoiding each other for the remainder of class in fears that we would be called out once again.



I regretted every single choice I've made today leading up to this very moment. I was on my way to Tristian's place after finally agreeing to meet her and 'talk'. I really don't understand why she's so hell-bent on making amends with me after everything we've done to each other. I know what it feels like to be lonely and friendless, but this is really just sad.

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