Chapter 17

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I mutter a quick 'thank you' to the cashier in front of me and hurry into Andy's car with a bag full of juicy burgers and greasy fries. We're nearly home when my phones pings from frantic texts from the group chat I had recently been added in, ''The Tommy Fan-club'.

From: The Tommy Fan-club

Violet: Has anyone seen or heard from Nat??? my texts and calls aren't going through to her.

Monte: me neither >_< i parked outside of her apartment complex this morning for breakfast but she never came out.

A.J: Passed by the library and saw her but she left, looks like she was in a hurry tho, should we be worried???

I frown to myself and quickly respond.

Tristian: i can stop by her apartment and see if she's there. i don't know any other place she could've gone.

Logan: what abt that girl she went home with the other day. maybe she's over at her place but her phone is dead?

Violet: Nat wouldn't do that. she has like 3 classes today, she doesn't have time to skip and hook up with girls.

Logan: didn't seem like it that night :)

Tristian: not the time. once again, i'll see if she's at her apartment and we can go from there.

I quickly ask Andy to take a detour, and after going back and forth with him he eventually does. I hurry inside of her building with steps of determination, standing alone at her door after minutes of knocking.

"Fuck sake, Nat." I mutter to myself. I jog down the stairs of the apartment building and quickly hurry into the car.

The radio comes to an abrupt stop once I enter. "Any luck?"

"No," I sigh and stare out the window as we head back to campus. Despite our long-term rivalry, I know Natasha. Violet and the others are the only friends she has, so if she were to leave randomly or decide to skip class, they would know. But they don't.

Andy drops me off at the library to meet everyone, and telling by their worried expressions, they haven't gotten anywhere either. Logan's legs are shaking anxiously, Monte's biting her fingernails, Violet's face is buried into her hand, and Tommy and A.J are quiet, which is unusual.

Logan is the first one to notice me enter. "Was she at home?"

I shake my head defeatedly. "No, I knocked for a while and she didn't answer. I had to leave because I was disturbing her neighbors."

"God, where the hell would she go?" Monte asks, her lips quivering in worry. Tommy gently slips his fingers into her palm to ease her nerves.

"Wait!" A.J puts a quick finger up and whips out his phone, logging into Instagram and pulling up Natasha's profile. "Let's see if we can find her date from the club through her following/followers and see if she's seen Nat."

I find myself rolling my eyes at the sound of his idea, but keep my thoughts to myself. I watch as they all huddle over his phone and wait for a response. Soon after, their shoulders all deflate when she replies with a simple 'No'.

Violet sits up with a thoughtful look on her face, "Maybe she had a shit morning and decided to have some coffee, and her phone just happened to be dead? Let's wait a few hours."

We all go our separate ways for the day, but by nightfall, no one has seen or heard of Natasha yet.

My bare legs shake anxiously at my desk, guitar in hand. I stare at my wall thinking of all the places she could've gone to.

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