Chapter 4

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What in the actual fuck did she want from me? I was beyond shocked when she decided to try and introduce herself as my 'friend' to my..friends. I could tell she got a rush out of doing so, with the way her full lips threatened to twitch into a small smirk.

Her smile lines were dangerously attractive whether I wanted to admit it or not. I hated looking at her, making eye contact with her black eyes, feeling inferior just by standing next to her.

And now that I agreed to speaking to her alone I didn't know what to expect. What in the world did she want to talk about?

"I see you've made some new friends." She didn't speak in a teasing tone, even though it looked like she wanted to.

"Yeah. What do you want?" We were in a fairly empty hallway outside of one of our dining halls, pfar enough so that my friends couldn't see us.

"Why can't we just be friends?" She shrugged, looking so unserious with the smile she's been trying to force down since she spoke to me earlier.

"You're serious?" My eyebrows shoot up just as I fold my arms, shifting my weight onto left leg.

"Aren't you tired of fighting all the time?"

"We haven't fought since we graduated. We called a truce, remember?" I threw my hands to the side impatiently.

"Yeah but I was thinking-"

"Just because we can be cordial, doesn't mean we have to be friends." I interrupt.

She seems to be genuinely shocked, her arms stuffed deep into the pockets of her leather jacket that hugged her biceps. Her hair was in a messy ponytail, with multiple strands of her hair falling out or begging to fall out. "Why?"

"I.." I trailed off, sighing as I backed away from her. The truth is, being friends with Tristian, or having anything to do with her reminded me of a bad place I was in during high school. I didn't like a constant reminder of the facade I held for years. Every time I thought about it, it made me feel like shit. And having Tristian, of all people, attempt to befriend me after everything I put her through made me feel even worse.

"I don't think we can be friends. I-I just don't see that happening." I finish off, quickly turning away from her and heading to my apartment for time to clear my head.



I blew a long breath out of my small lips, throwing my head back in defeat. I could still feel various eyes on me, so I turned and looked through the glass of the cafeteria door, locking eyes with every each and one of Natasha's friends.

They were definitely suspicious of me, narrowed eyes and all. I found it funny and cute at the same time, thinking of how protective they were of Natasha in the few months of knowing her. I smirked, sending them a short wave before heading back to Andy's before my next class.

"What are you going to do now? Do you still want to get revenge on her?" Andy asks me, kicking his feet up onto his coffee table.

"I don't know man." I mimic his exact position and stare into the T.V as a distraction.

"Don't you think this revenge stuff is kind of childish, Trish?" He glances over at me, nudging my shoulder with his.

"Nope. I want her to know how it feels."

"How it feels to what?"

"To feel like everyday is a constant battle with yourself. Your identity. How it feels to have no idea who you really are, and playing it fake in front of everyone else." I spit, feeling myself get annoyed just talking about it.

It was no lie I had feelings for Natasha at the beginning of high school despite our rivalry. I had no idea that I was even into girls until..I was into girls. I was confused at the time, scared even. My parents thought I was one person, and everyone at school thought I was another. I was struggling with having an identity crisis and coming to terms with my sexuality all the while dealing with a menace like her. Now, I wanted her to know what it feels like.

"So what are you going to do?"

I look over at him and slowly scratch the back of my head. "I'm going to insert myself into her little friend group, make them trust me and absolutely love me, then I'm going to tell them everything she did to me. Then they'll know that the Natasha they know, is just a lie and an act she puts on so she doesn't have to deal with hating herself every minute of every fucking day."

Andy goes silent for a moment. "Maybe you really do need to see that therapist."


Short chapter for today my lovelies, more to come I promise!! <3

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