Chapter 5

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I was satisfied knowing that Tristian finally got it through her thick skull that we wouldn't ever be friends. She didn't chase after me that day, and now I could feel a weight lift off my shoulders.

2 days passed and I didn't see her after gathering the courage to attend my communications class. I didn't see her on my way to campus, or in the dining hall, so I assumed she got the hint.

My tutoring session with Ariel had just ended and I was on my way back to my apartment when I got a text from Monte.

Got any plans for the rest of the night???

           Yes, laying in my bed. What do you want?

Well too bad, there's a party off campus tonight and we're already outside of your place :)

I groan loudly and make a turn into my neighborhood, spotting Monte's car immediately with everyone else packed inside with her. She forced me inside to change my clothes and sped all the way to the party.

My skirt was hiking up by the time I got out of the car, and my blouse seemed to be cutting off my circulation every time I moved the wrong way. The house was packed with some people I recognized from campus, along with kids from other colleges in the city. I felt completely out of place, trailing behind my older friends in clothes that I wouldn't ever see myself wearing.

Everyone here was either older than me or well..way older than me. I was a walking stick surrounded busty women and 20 year old body builders. This wasn't my crowd at all, but they were my ride so I didn't have much of a choice.

I was sure to stick around at least one of my friends to avoid getting approached, but they seemed to wonder off and leave me stranded against the wall. I awkwardly glanced around the packed living room, scratching my shoulder as I leaned against the wall.

My eyes shifted over to the packed kitchen that suddenly grew louder, drawing my attention to an alluring figure in the center of it all. Her hair was let out from its usual messy ponytail, stopping just above of her behind and over her shoulders like she brushed it with a rake. She wore a tank top that complimented her large breasts, as well as showing off her toned arms that flexed as she took a sip of her beer. Her arms and chest glistening in the dim light, beads of sweat trickling down her body. Her mascara was smudged perfectly, finishing off her messy look.

It was Tristian. I would never expect to catch Tristian Liao at a party, but at the same time I never expected to attend one myself. She was hot, no doubt, but I turned away before she caught me staring. Now I definitely had to leave before she noticed that I was here. I had trouble finding my friends, and suddenly grew irritated at the fact that they had left me alone at a party where I knew absolutely no one, not to mention miles away from campus.

I managed to bust through the crowd and stumbled down the front stairs, wrapping my arms around myself once I felt the cold hair. There were a few people lingering in the front, and some more in the backyard, but not enough to notice me.

I waited a good 15 minutes outside before I tried calling Violet. She didn't answer, so I tried Monte. She didn't answer and neither did the rest of them.

I groaned out loud in frustration, stomping my heel on the ground.

"You good?" A cool voice behind me asks. I already know who the voice belongs to, so I dread turning around to face her. I can feel her eyes burning into the back of my head, and slowly moving down my back.

I turn around quickly, careful not to glance at her chest. She looks so much better up front, her full eyebrows furrowing as she watches me closely. She has her usual leather jacket on now, sadly covering up her biceps. "I'm fine."

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