Chapter 10

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It turns out that 'Perfect Little Natasha' isn't so perfect. The other day was probably the first time she hasn't growled, glared, or cursed at me. Instead, she poured half of her heart out, cursing her mother all in one breath and seeming exhausted right after. She refused to look at me, and I don't blame her all that much.

It's weird venting to someone you hate. Or someone you're supposed to hate. I kept my thoughts to myself as an attempt to let her cool down, and it worked. Mostly because I was too busy staring at her face. She really was beautiful.

My sole plan to ruin her small reputation seemed harder and harder everyday, but after the other day, I'm getting second thoughts.

Violet texted me a small paragraph apologizing for her cold demeanor all dinner. She said that everyone else felt awkward after, and they wanted to have a do-over. At Natasha's place.

I haven't responded yet, but I have a nice 3 weeks left until break is over. Andy went back home to visit his family for thanksgiving, while I stayed on campus and used this break as an opportunity to..regroup myself.

"So, what brings you here today?" My therapist, Dr. Mclahen, asks.

Fidgeting with a pamphlet in my hands, I avoid maintaining eye contact and stare down at my rugged sneakers. "I want to learn how to deal with my feelings."

He nods his head slowly, rubbing his stubble. "Right. Could you be a little more specific? What would you like to achieve during our sessions?"

"A lot. But most importantly, my temper," I swallow a load of spit down my throat, glancing up at him once and a while.

"Ah, I see." It seems as if he's understanding where I'm coming from, watching me closely like I was some sort of artifact in a museum. "Can you tell me how bad your temper is?"

"Y-Yeah sure." I lean forward in my seat, awkwardly itching the side of my head. "I wouldn't say it gets really bad..I just have trouble with knowing when to stop."

"Are you referring to your expulsion from your previous school?"

My voice comes out more aggressive than I expect it to. "How do you know that?"

"Your mom filled me in on the current events in your life that lead up to the realization that therapy would be good for you. Plus, the school gives me the transcripts of my student clients." He winks at me, placing the clipboard face down in the table in front of us.


"Let's start with that. Although I'm aware of your expulsion, I don't know exactly why you were kicked out," He leans back into his seat, flashing me the same welcoming smile he did when I first walked in. "So, tell me Tristian. What happened?"

I always freeze up when it comes to talking about Danielle. So I decide to keep it short this time.

Shrugging, I adjust the glasses on my long nose. "I loved a girl and she shat her pants at the thought of loving me back, so she lied and made me seem like a creep. I was shunned by almost the entire school and got violent with her and her car. The end."

A snicker escapes his mouth, and he glances into his lap before looking back at me, his eyes full of sympathy. "That was one way to put it. I'm sorry you had to go through that, Tristian."

"It's whatever."

"But it's not. You didn't deserve that after giving her your full love and affection," He lowers his head into my vision with raised eyebrows. "Experiencing that level of hurt can really damage your state of mind, Tristian."

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