Chapter 14

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* This chapter contains sexual content *


Talking to Emelet is like coming up for a breath of fresh air. She's outgoing, funny, and crazy beautiful. Way out of my league. She's gentle with me because she knows it's my first time ever doing anything with a girl, and it makes me attracted to her even more. 

"Nervous?" She asks as we collapse into the wall of her bedroom. I'd managed to toss my heels to the ground, as well as unbuttoning my skirt halfway.

"Kind of." My braids are knotted after her fingers got all tangled up in them when we made out. I push a braid out of my face and feel my cheeks flush once she leans in again to kiss me.

"It's okay, I'll go easy on you." Purring, her soft long fingers trail down my torso and to my back, smoothly undoing my bra strap.

It drops to my feet so quickly that it shocks me. She looks ready to rip my shirt off into shreds just to get ahold of my breasts.

"Emelet.." I whisper, gazing into her seductive eyes.

Her brown lips latch onto mine before she leaves a trail of kiss down my cheek, then my jawline. "What do you want?"

"I want you to touch me." I look down at my chest and see my hard nipples poking through my dangerously thin shirt. The feeling of the fabric rubbing against them gets me stimulated, and I let out a soft moan.

Without any warning, she tears the straps to my shirt in an instant, tossing them to her side and digging her fingers into my thighs. I feel so dirty, in a good way of course.

Her soft lips graze my nipples before she begins to close her lips around them. My back arches involuntarily and my hands are pushed up against the wall in so much pleasure. I didn't even realize my legs were wrapped around her until I felt her grind into me.

There was so much happening, I couldn't even process it. Her voice sounded so much deeper when she whispered everything she wanted to do to me in that moment. I definitely gave away the fact that I've never done anything like this before with how loud I was being.

She shushes me after giving my breasts a few more licks and tells me, "I want to go down on you now. Can I?"

My underwear practically slipped off by itself. I lifted up the hem of my denim skirt, slowly pulling it up so that she could have easy access to me. My green lace underwear was on full display now, not to mention the fact that it was completely see through.

Her hot breath panned over my inner thighs as she traveled lower...lower...and lower until she finally had me. My underwear was down to my ankles in an instant, and I was hit with the most overwhelming feeling of pleasure I had never felt before. I gasped loudly and threw my head back.

I could feel the wetness develop so quickly it was insane. I was clawing at the walls, trying my best to find something to grip on as I let her have her way with me.

I was so close, so fucking close until my eyes trailed onto her bed and the mirror right behind it. I saw myself, brown skin turned a slight shade of pink, and devilish eyes rolled to the back of my head due to the crazy amount of delight I was currently receiving.

This is not me. This is not me at all.

What'll happen after tonight? I'll go back to class acting like this never happened? Or will I give her my number in the hopes that she'll want to do me again? No distractions. I can't have any distractions this year. I saw a future of chaos and destruction, which is exactly what I didn't want.

"Stop, please." I nudge her shoulder to get her attention, and she immediately pulls away.

She doesn't even ask me why, and rises to her feet again after pulling my underwear up for me. With her arms against the wall and at my sides, she asks, "Are you okay?"

"Yeah.." I quickly throw my arms over my chest and avoid her eyes, staring at my ripped shirt in disappointment. "I don't think this is right."

Her brown eyes seem full of warmth instead of desire now, which almost puts my nerves at ease.
"Okay, we can stop."

She opens the door to her closet, grabbing a large sweatshirt from the inside. "Here. Sorry for ruining your shirt. I can buy another for you?"

I chuckle, awkwardly staring down at my ruined shirt. "No, it's fine."

With my arms still over my chest, I quickly grab the sweatshirt and turn around to pull it over my head. What the actual hell was I thinking? Monte and I will probably have a laugh about this later, but for now I needed to get out of here.

"I think I'm just gonna go now." I grab the straps of my heels and rush out her bedroom door despite her constant pleads for me to stop.

"Natasha!" She hurries in front of me with her arms out, her messy hair sticking onto her sweaty skin. "Jeez, chill. Let me take you. It's too fucking late for you to be walking home by yourself and you know that."

I don't respond and sigh in defeat.

"Don't be stubborn. C'mon, I'll take you." It didn't take long for us to make it to her car, and the drive there was dead silent.

Emelet manages to break the silence with a deep sigh, looking over at me with a kind smile. "I know I just met you and shit, but I wanna see you again."

"You're serious?" I snort.

"Dead serious. I don't care about the sex at all, if that's what you're thinking. I really enjoyed talking to you tonight, and I want to see you again." She takes off onto the road again after the light turns green, turning into the direction of my apartment complex.

"Oh.." Heat rushes into my cheeks as I quickly look out my window to avoid her stare. Her chuckle is what pulls me back into her eyes, a set of butterflies fluttering in my stomach.

"Oh?" She tilts her head, and I now realize that we've been parked at my place for a while.

"You're really beautiful, Emelet. I'd like to see you again too, but I don't know if I'm ready for anything serious right now."

"Then we'll take it slow. Let's just get to know each other better, and see how it goes." She leans back into her chair with an amused smile, obviously getting a high off my nervous expression.

So no fling, no relationship, just making a friend. A really, really hot friend. I'd have to control myself around her. Again, I can't have any distractions. I could deal with that.

"Yeah. I can do that."

"Good answer. Now I don't have to ask for my sweater back because I'll be returning soon." She winks, pulling out her phone so that we can exchange numbers.

I'm giggling to myself as I happily walk to my apartment, biting the tip of my thumb once I make it inside.

"Hey, slut." Violets deep, slurred voice surprises me, as well as the sigh of seeing everyone making themselves at my home.

"How did you guys even get in here?" I toss my keys onto the tray beside me and place my hands on my hips.

I take notice of Tristian taking it upon herself to sit on my island, hands tucked into her jacket and feet swaying back and forth as she eyes me intensely. I don't meet her eyes and wait for someone to answer my question.

A.J looks up from the T.V and pops a piece of popcorn into his mouth before answering. "I used my student I.D card."

"I'm sorry?"

"I'll show you later." He groans.

"What happened to your shirt?" Tristian suddenly asks, regaining everyone's attention once again.

"I lost it."

Monte and Logan laugh loudly, with Monte tossing a cushion at me. "Yeah, lost it during sex!"

"Fuck off, and get off my couch before you throw up all over it, you drunk." I toss the cushion at her right after, trying my hardest to ignore the daggers that Tristian shoots through my head.

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