chapter 01

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"Goodmorning moonshine." says my mom as soon as I got to the kitchen, where she already was with Alex, and they were waiting for me to start eating breakfast. Today is first day of school, and I'm actually dreading it. I chose to wear something simple, I don't care about school attire, a tank top and some shorts are okay, since it's still hot here in OBX.

"Goodmorning you two." I smile at them and start eating furiously. I am hungry. "How do you feel about being a senior?" Alex put down his iPad and asks me, making me smile awkwardly.

"I'm actually terrified. But I'll let you know how it went when I get back." he nods and mom got up in a rush, after she checks the time. "Come on Luna, I'm dropping you to school today." I raised an eyebrow. Excuse her?

"Huh? You know that you don't have to right? Leah,Mariah and David are coming as we speak." I tell her and she nods, not paying attention to what I just said.

You're probably confused. Who are these people I just mentioned? Well, Leah is my best friend, Mr Thornton's youngest daughter, she has an older sister too. Topper used to be friends with my dad, from what mom has told me at least, but I can't find the courage to ask him about my dad. Mariah is the daughter of uncle JJ and aunt Kie, and David is my cousin, the second son of uncle John B and aunt Sarah. Leo is the firstborn, who is dating Leah. And is the same age as her sister, actually a couple months older. Together, us all, are a group, mostly us young ones, Leo and Olivia have their own group.

"Then I'll take you all to school. It's on my way." I roll my eyes and get up, grabbing my backpack and mom and I go outside, where the guys came almost immediately.

"Ugh, this'll feel like a field trip." I murmur before we all got in the car and they laugh at me, making me smile.

"Have a good last first day, little ones!" mom yells from inside the car and we chuckled, also realizing that this is our last first day in school, and Mariah started crying. Oh, well...

"Mariah stop, we're seniors!" I hug her and she nods, smiling at me and after we waved goodbye to Leah and David, we go to our classroom, given that the bell had already rang.

We sit down and wait for the teacher, when a guy we don't know enters the classroom, looking lost and sits right in front of us.

"Hey, are you new?" I ask him and he turns to look at us, shaking his head in agreement.

"I'm Josh, nice to meet you." he gives us a cute smile and we introduce ourselves as well. He's cute, has a geek look and style as a whole. Not my type, plus he looks gay -not like I have anything against them-, or I'm completely wrong.

We talk for a little more, until the professor comes in, and after a really, really, boring hour, the bell rings for a quick break. We take Josh with us, not because we pity him, no, we actually enjoy his company, and go to find Leah and David.

We introduce them to one another and they get on well too, relieving Mariah and I.

"New York was great, yeah, but Dad got a job offer here, and my parents agreed it would be nice to be away from a big city." Josh says and takes a quick bite of his cereal bar.

"It's you and your parents only?" David asks him, and he quickly shakes his head in denial.

"No,no, I have two more brothers. An older one, and a younger one. Damon is 20, almost 21, and Christian is 11." he answers and we awe to his younger sibling age. He only laughs at us.

David and Leah say their siblings are the same age as his older brother, and his eyes widen, telling us that they're probably friends already, since he has made friends, not like him, that's like lost puppy.

"Consider yourself part of our group from now on. We like you." I say and wrap my hand around his shoulder, hugging him.

The bell rings again and we go back to class, enduring a boring lesson after another, until the bell rings for the last time.

Time to leave. Phew.

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