chapter 27

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I got in. I got in Stanford.

Mom and Alex stare at me smiling, as they gave me the acceptance letter. My studying paid off.

"It was in the mail today." Alex says and I smile big, feeling tears coming out of my eyes.

"Congratulations moonshine. I couldn't be more proud of you." mom comes my way and hugs me tightly, and I hug her back, melting in her embrace. Alex hugs me tightly too, and tells me he's proud of me too.

I stay with them for the rest of the morning, but my mind is shaking. I want to tell Damon so bad. But I don't know if I should. He would be happy though...he would be happy for me.

Fuck it.

I grab my phone and text him, since he's in a flight right now.

Guess what!

I take a picture of the acceptance letter and send it to him too. And wait. And wait some more. Until my eyes close, and I nap.

After 2 hours...

I open my eyes again and realize I'm in the same exact position I was two hours ago. I open my phone too, only to see that Damon has replied.

Oh my, congrats Lu <3 you deserve it. I'm so happy for you.

I smile at my phone and answer him, and he calls me immediately. We spend the rest of the afternoon talking, when he tells me he has another flight, so we hang up.

Huh, it was a good day today in the end.

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