chapter 09

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Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck.

Why can't we have sex with no interruption once? Not like we've tried plenty of times, but you get my point.

"Mom? Dad?" Damon says, his eyes widen, and I step a bit away from Damon, and stare at his parents. His dad with a sleepy Christian in his arms, his mom in front of them. She's the one who yelled.

"Turn off the music." Linda says to Josh who also came to the hall, his cheeks flushed since he's drunk. But he does as she says.

"Everyone, out. Except for all of you." Linda points to our big friendgroup and everyone starts to leave, heads down, people come downstairs since they were doing you know what upstairs, as soon as Damon yelled at them to come down. And damn if he wasn't hot yelling. His firm voice only made me wetter and hornier for him.

"You threw a party at our house without us knowing??" Linda says, crossing her hands as Mark gets Christian to bed and soon comes back downstairs.

"You didn't tell them?" both Mariah and I look at Josh, who gives an apologetic smile to both us and his parents.

"Josh be fucking for real..." Mariah exclaims and apologizes as Mark and Linda look at her. I sigh and let my body back, before I realize I let my body fall on Damon's chest.

No one looks at us though weirdly, so I don't remove myself from him.

"Good job bro. You owe me big time." Damon says behind gritted teeth and I blush, realizing what he was referring to.

Josh on the other hand, looks at him confused. We bicker some more, not me, Mariah and Josh more since Mariah the perfectionist just failed a party. Until Mark tells us to leave. Fair enough.

I turn and look at Damon, seeing the disappointment in his face as well, go upstairs with Mariah to grab our stuff and we leave with the others, each of us going to our place, Mariah and I to mine since we're free.

She takes off her makeup and dress, puts on her pajamas and falls asleep immediately on my bed, allowing me to open my phone.

you made it home safely?

My heart melts at the message but I quickly drop this act. I shouldn't smile at messages like this, I shouldn't get attached.

Yeah don't worry.
We didn't finish what we started yet again today.

I type with trembling hands and watch how three dots are shown and hidden for a few seconds that feel like eternity to me.

Yeah, I know...
Don't worry though, when it will happen, I'm gonna take my sweet time with you.

I blush at the text.

Hmm, now you got me anticipating. Hope you're not all words ;)

Love, I'm definitely not all words.

He's right. He's definitely not all words. Definitely not.

Hoping we won't have to book a sex appointment though

I snicker at my text.

Don't worry. Next time I see you, I won't let you go.

Someone always gets in the way. Always.

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