chapter 18

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We reach the nightclub and go to the VIP area, me taking off Damon's leather jacket, yeah I forgot mine halfway here, and letting it on the couch we have. Damon goes and sits down immediately, when he pulls me by the hips and plops me down to his lap.

"Hey you." I smile at him and he smiles softly too, his right hand wrapped around my waist and rested on my hip, his left hand on my thigh, and I kiss him.

"Let go of each other for a sec, we're drinking!" Amy shakes both our shoulders and we pull away. I like Amy, she's nice.

She gives us our glasses of vodka and we both take a sip, looking at each other. Fuck, I can't be feeling like this again. But I can. He has been nothing but great to me, his heart is good, his everything is good. It scares me that I'm in love with someone again, fuck it I just came to amends with it, but I should just enjoy it. I think this might be the love mom told me to cherish. Even if it's early to know.

I peck his cheek and neck and take another sip of my drink, relaxing my body on his, my back on his chest as he puts his arm on my stomach protectively, his other arm now holding his drink.

"You know, this was the first nightclub I ever came." he says to my ear and I turn my head to meet his gaze, our faces super close, setting my body on fire as his green eyes meet mine and look at me like he's inspecting me, but I pull through, and focus on what he's saying.

"Really? When?" I ask him and he takes a deep breath.

"16..." he confesses and my eyes widen. That's way too early.

"You're kidding." I put a hand over my mouth, not shocked, well partially. "Nope. Wish I was, it was definitely not my proudest moment." I giggle at his grimace, and he smiles at me, before he carries on.

"Especially when they dragged us out when Justin's parents realized what he had done." I'm laughing now, and he's laughing as well. The way he says it makes it funny and the thought of a young Damon getting kicked out of a nightclub too, of course.

"I wish I'd seen that." I say between laughs and he shakes his head in denial. "Nope, nope, it was humiliating." I laugh more now and take a sip of my drink, feeling my stomach hurt from the laughter, my bladder failing me.

"I need to pee." I tell him and get up, leaving my drink on the table and he gets up too, since I'm holding his hand, but he's the one leading me to the bathroom.

"Fuck, look at the line..." I exclaim and groan, and Damon chuckles. "You better find a spot then. I'll wait right here." he consults me and I stand in the line, as him is resting his body on the wall, his hands crossed in front of his chest staring at me.

The line begins to move, and some girls stand behind me, when I hear them say:

"Look at this man, damn." they murmur and I turn to look where they're looking, only to find them staring at Damon, who's on his phone, looking so ethereal, so handsome. Black t-shirt, his veins popping out in his arms, black pants too. He always looks good, but whenever he's wearing total black, phew, it's a sight out of this world.

"The things I would let him do to me." the redhead says and they chuckle, and I smirk, because he does all the things she wants to do to her, to me.

Damon probably feels three girls staring at him, these two and me, and lifts his head, his eyes immediately going to me, and he smiles. I smile back at him and he gets a phonecall, from Justin as I hear him saying his name.

"Girl, he totally checked you out, he smiled, you should go talk to him." the brunette turns to me all of a sudden, and they both look at me like they really want me to go talk to him. To Damon. My boyfriend.

"He's my boyfriend." I say and their eyes widen, staring Damon then me, then Damon then me again, before the redhead exclaims:

"Lucky you, where did you find this man? Are there more?" I laugh at her comment and they chuckle too.

"I don't know if there are more, but he's pretty good, yeah." I find myself blushing and looking at Damon ; and he looks up again. He realizes we're talking about him and scratches his neck, pushing his hair out of the way later. He always scratches his neck when he's feel uncomfortable.

I smile at him again.

The line finally moves, and I get to pee, talking to those two girls for some more, before I go back to Damon and we make our way to our friends.

And Amy grabs me by the hand, taking me to dance as the guys were sitting down, well only Justin was dancing with us.

"I see why Damon is so swooned over you. You're fun to be around too." I look at her confused and she rolls her eyes, yelling to be heard.

"Too?" I ask her.

"Yeah, except the fact that you're insanely beautiful." I blush and thank her, hugging her since yeah...I've gotten a little tipsy. A little. I'm on my second drink right now, but I didn't eat anything earlier. Which is bad.

"You girls dance really well." a guy comes up to us and I flinch, stepping a little away from him since he's right beside me.

We only smile at him.

"You want a refill?" he turns to me and points to my glass, and I shake my head in denial, looking away from him.

"Damn, not up for small talk, huh?" he says ironically and I roll my eyes, and look at him.

"My boyfriend is here. I'm not interested." I tell him and glance at Amy and Justin, before Justin leaves. We're not far away from our table, so whatever happens is visible to them. To Damon.

"Yeah, I don't see him with you though." is he for real? Instead of leaving, he takes a step closer to me and I take a step back, but my back hits a chest. Damon's chest.

He puts his hand around my waist and pulls me beside him, and I look at his face. Damn he looks like he's fuming. His jaw is hardened, clenched, and the way he's holding me is so protective.

"Do you need anything bud?" Damon's loud, his voice firm and he's looking at him like he's beating him up in his mind . He's hot. I don't care what happened, he's so hot jealous.

"I was just talking to her, dude." the asshole says and I roll my eyes, and Damon's jaw hardens more.

"And she told you off. And you stayed. Step the fuck away from my girl." suddenly I'm behind Damon, almost, since he's going closer to the guy, menacingly. Oh shit.

"Watch your mouth, kid. I couldn't care less about your whore." OH I'M FUMING NOW. But I shouldn't let Damon do anything stupid.

"Say that one more fucking time, and you'll see what happens." their chests are collided. I glance at our friendgroup but they're not looking.

"Enough, enough." I put my hand in between and press it to Damon's chest, pulling him away a bit, but he tries to get away from me. And go to the guy.

"Stay put, Damon." I yell at him so that he hears me. "He's not fucking worth it, stop." I hold him by the arms now, one hand gripping his bicep, the other one his hand, holding it tightly. A lot of people are looking now.

"And you." I turn to the other dude, who's giving Damon a cocky smile. "I told you I have a boyfriend. Fuck off, asshat. It's not my problem that you're being celibate." he opens his mouth to speak but I don't let him, I just grab Damon and leave, going to our table and sitting down, me not on his lap.

He adjusts his position and takes a sip of his drink, still not over what happened from what he looks like. His jaw is still hard, his ears are red, a color they get when he's angry, or embarrassed, and he grips his drink with much force.

I cross my hands and look at him, waiting for him to say something, trying to find what to say myself, but he's not even looking at me.

I take a deep breath and look away for a second, biting my lip, before I turn and find him looking at me, but as soon as I catch him, he looks away.

Why isn't he speaking?

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