chapter 11

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We make our way inside the police station, with the asshole in front of us, showing us where to go. In a cell, next to an office. What the fuck?

"Why are you doing this? It's your first day here or something? You wanna impress your fellas?" I make him a bunch of questions and he turns to look at me, coming my way menacingly, but Damon gets in between us.

"I don't care if you're a cop, stay away." I'm wet like a pool. The cop chuckles, his ego crushed apparently, and opens the cell door, making us get in and I sit on the bench, Damon beside me.

"I didn't expect cops to come..." Damon says beside me and I turn to look at him. "I'm sorry..." he apologizes and I put my hand on his thigh, as his is on my knee.

"You don't have to apologize. We had a good time, didn't we?" I tell him and he chuckles, piercing his gaze to me.

"Damn right, we had a great time." he answers and I giggle, kissing him.

"Hey, no PDA." the cop orders us and Damon growls next to me, as I roll my eyes.

"He was definitely bullied in school." he murmurs and I snort a laugh, immediately feeling embarrassed. But Damon laughs ,and I ease up.

The cop comes to us again after a few minutes, and tells us that I need someone to come, in order to leave, and my eyes widen. Because Damon is 21, he can leave. I on the other hand....

"Fuck, that means I have to call my mom..." I look at Damon, terrified and embarrassed as we're now at the cop's office ,and he tells me that I have to, or else I'll spend the night here. He makes fun of me, but I know he wants to calm me down, as I feel him caressing my lower back.

I grab the phone at the desk and dial mom's number, her picking it up almost immediately, even though it's almost 12am. I tell her the deal, except for the fact that I was having public sex, and after a good fifteen minutes wait, she comes.

Her eyes widen when she looks at Damon beside me too, who is not standing behind me now. She's narrowing her eyes at the both of us when she finally comes closer, and the asshole of a cop informs her of the situation. In a bad way. Like I'm a whore, and Damon is a manwhore as well.

"Oh fuck off, we had sex in the car with tinted windows, we harmed no one, stop portraying it like I flashed my dick at the center of the Cut." Damon exclaims and my eyes widen, my mom's eyes widen and the cop bites his inner cheek.

"Damon!" I say, not yelling, but I like that he stood up for us. It's just that my mom is right here. Otherwise, I wouldn't mind. My cheeks warm up, more than they STILL already are.

"Right, sorry, Y/N..." he apologizes to my mom, who looks at the both of us with a poker face on. I'm getting chills. She has the lawyer stare.

"They came when we were finished by the way." I tell to my mom and she glares at the cop, while Damon and I stand silent, me glaring at Damon too, mentally telling him "what the fuck did you say?" and also "it was hot". He nods like he understands.

"So you brought them here, with no particular reason?" oh, oh. I cross my hands and give Damon a side glance, him staring at me too, but he seems comfortable.

My mom and the cop start to bicker, actually my mom puts him in his place and it's like cat got his tongue, because he leaves us soon after that, and we go outside. I want to leave with Damon, but I know mom will tell me to leave with her.

"I'll wait in the car, Luna. Goodnight Damon." my mom says and goes to our car, but I see her looking at us. That's why I think she's cool and at the same time she's not.

"So, that was an experience. " I say and he comes closer to me, looking down at me when I feel his hand go around my waist, pulling me closer.

"It was." he answers and I giggle, and he leans over, pressing his lips to mine.

"I so wanna punch the guy." I exclaim as soon as we pull away, and he nods. "You and me both." I chuckle.

"I better go...Text me when you get home?" I ask him and he nods, telling me to do the same thing, and he pecks me lips, watching me leave and go to mom's car, sitting at the passenger's seat, and she waits until Damon is inside his car too, before she drives away.

She stays silent the whole ride, and this makes me anxious. We go home and she opens the door, letting her purse on the counter before she turns to look at me. Again the lawyer stare. Fuck, I'm screwed.

"Police? Fucking police Luna?" she semi-yells at me and Alex comes out of the bedroom, worried. I knew he would be freaking out.

"What happened moonshine?" he calls me by my nickname and I sigh.

"Nothing, it's okay. Everything's fine. The cop was an asshole mom, you saw it yourself." I turn my attention back to mom and Alex stays confused.

"Asshole cop. What happened?" he says but we both ignore him. Not on purpose. Mom is mad, I'm keeping my attention to her.

"You have a home to have sex Luna! You don't have to do it in public!" she now yells at me and Alex behind me gasps. Great...

"You were caught having sex in public?" he asks and I shake my head in denial, my eyes to both of them, since Alex now got next to mom.

"No! That's the thing! We had finished five minutes before. And we were inside the car, the windows were tinted, we were just...naked, kissing, nothing scandalous." they roll their eyes and sigh at my comment.

"Nothing scandalous?" Alex asks and I nod my head.

"And then we saw a flashlight pointing at us, we got dressed, and it was the asshole cop." I carry on with the rest of the events that took place and mom only gets more mad, Alex too, kind of. And I don't even know why, grams used to say that she wasn't the Saint she portrays to be when she was my age.

"And before you say anything, of course I would talk back to him, he was messing with us, he wanted to use his power on us. I don't put up with this shit. That's how you raised me." I make a comment regarding how I was raised, and they both calm down a little. Haha, hit a soft spot.

"You're just like your dad, running to the stations..." mom murmurs and takes a deep breath, thinking I didn't hear her, but I did. Alex shows me the door of my room with his eyes and I sigh, saying goodnight, and leave, but instead go and take a shower. I put new underwear, new pajamas, and fall to the bed, messaging Damon as he had already messaged me.

But my mind kept drifting to what my mom said. About dad.

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