chapter 22

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I wake up by the sound of chat coming from the living room. I groan as I check my phone and see it's Saturday, 10am, three days since I've last seen Damon, since I've been busy with school, but today we'll definitely meet.

Who is here? I get up, go to the bathroom and clean up, before I go to the living room, only to see Linda with my mom. Of course.

"Moonshine, goodmorning!" says my mom and I smile at her.

"Goodmorning Luna." I smile at Linda too and go to the kitchen, getting myself a cup of coffee, and make my way to the living room again, joining the ladies half-asleep as I still am.

"Did you sleep well?" Linda asks me and I nod, asking her how she is. Mom on the other hand has gone to the kitchen, saying she's making something in there, and I seriously don't wanna know. Cooking isn't her thing. Well, kind of.

"You're meeting with Damon tonight, aren't you?" Linda catches my attention again. I nod. Simply.

"You know, Luna, Damon has some job offers." she blurts out, slowly and my eyes widen. Damon hasn't told me anything.

"Really? Damon didn't mention anything. What job offers?" I ask her, and she sighs, coming a bit closer to me.

"He actually has three. They want him as a pilot in three different airlines." my eyes widen more and I leave my cup on the coffee table, softly lifting my body upwards, due to my surprise.

"Oh my gosh, that's great news!" she smiles at my excitement.

"At the other side of USA." my smile falls but soon I remember that that's Damon's dream, and I keep my composure.

"Oh." she narrows her eyes at me. "Still, this is great news!" I say again.

"Why hasn't he said anything though?" I look away from her, actually zone out a bit, thinking of a reason of why he hasn't mentioned it to me. Are we a couple that doesn't tell each other everything? Is that what we are now?

"He hasn't said anything to you because he won't take the jobs." Linda answers me and I turn to look at her, my heart beating rapidly inside my chest.

"What? Why? That's his dream." I tell her and she nods, shrugging her shoulders, before she comes closer to me. More close.

"He won't take the job...because of you." Linda exclaims and my heart makes a thud, like it fell to my stomach. I know that's an exaggerating image to make, but that's how I feel right now. Guilty.

"I'm not saying this to make you feel guilty, or anything..." Ha, you didn't try enough, miss. I tuck my hair behind my ear and take a deep breath, when I feel her hand on top of mine.

" love my son, don't you?" I nod.

"Then you got to make him go." she says and I feel my eyes watery, but I reach for my coffee and take a sip, stopping the tears. It's therapeutic.

"He won't go because he doesn't want to leave you. But he has to go Luna, and I think you understand this well." I nod again, and stare at her, before I look away again.

"You care about him. You'll do well." she squeezes my hand one last time, and my mom immediately enters the room again. I'm still. Dumbfounded. I don't pay attention to their conversation at all. My mind is only to Damon.

I have to make him go. He has to go. It's his dream. It's a great opportunity. As much as I hate not having him near. As much as I'll miss him. And if he doesn't want to go, I'll take other measures so he goes.

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