Naruto is Gone: Part Four

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Naruto stood in disbelief as his eyes settled upon Neji in his true form; to him, He looked as real as anything or anyone else, he looked of flesh and bone. His arms were crossed, his brow furrowed as he looked on in pointed observation. This was definitely no illusion; this was Neji Naruto, this could really only mean one thing...

He really was...dead...

"Neji?" he breathed. "Is this the afterlife?"

"There's no time to explain, right now." he expressed, some sense of urgency in his voice. "You've created quite the ruckus with that rasengan just a few moments earlier. We have to leave, before the dark souls come."

"Dark souls...what the..?"

Before Naruto could really ask any more questions, there was an uncomfortable rumble in the trees and a foreboding growl. He trusted Neji enough to know that now wasn't the time for any more questions, as confused as he was. He followed Neji as the fled, running at max speed, wooshing through the trees in the opposite direction. What are those things?

However, they weren't able to completely put a gap in distance between themselves and foul demented creatures. They were cut off then as three appeared before them in the trees; difficult to put eyes on completely they were distorted messed of black and putrid plum, some with gnashing teeth and mouths as big as the Shinobi's torso. Even the third had a long and eel like tail that snapped against the bark of the tree, sending splinters scattering to the ground. Whatever they were, they were doing some real damage.

"Don't let them snare you!" Neji instructed, before he lunged in attack. His byakugan activated and he swiftly engaged his gentle fist toward one of the dark shadows. It dodged him many times - obviously quick, and Naruto took mental note of this. He sprung into action to aid Neji.

"Rasen - shuriken!" he yelled, as a spinning blade of wind appeared in his fist, thrusting it forward as it slashed at the tree tops and the dark monsters that once again dodged its attack. Naruto grit his teeth. These were no simple opponents. But why were they attacking them in the first place? Where was he?

The duo approached a clearing then in the woods, but the shadowy demons were hot on their tail, facing off with the shinobi pair like ravenous dogs. Naruto didn't have much time to make sense of it; all he knew was that these things weren't going to quit until they stopped them. One by one, the beasts leapt forward, rounding the corner of the clearing, and Neji and Naruto took turns blasting them with whatever they had. "Man, these things don't die! Just die already!" Naruto proclaimed in energetic frustration. "That's because they're already dead!" Neji explained in a yell from the other side of the brush, but there was no time for further conversation.

Eventually, Naruto realized that a different plan was in order. He summoned a couple of shadow clones to attack the monsters, leading them off into the woods in a different direction. Suddenly the gnawing sounds died down as they got further away, and there was an eerie peace.

"Come on...I don't know what the hell those things were, but when my shadow clones are gone, we might want to get out of here." Naruto said, brushing off his clothing. He and Neji made their way out from the woods then, stopping at the edge of the main road in town. Still, just like himself, nobody seemed to notice the pair. It was dusk and the only villagers left were families headed home for the evening.

"Neji...what is this place...? I thought you were...-"

"Dead. I am, Naruto." Neji said resolutely. Naruto's heart sank. "And so were those creatures we just encountered in the woods." Neji crossed his arms. "They're the souls that haven't passed on, for far too long. Eventually, the hollowness consumes you, and that's what you become."

Naruto looked down at his clothes. He pulled at his jacket, as if trying to discern if it was an illusion, coming to terms with his own fate. "Does that mean that I'm..?" His heart panged. There was still so much left for him in the real world.

Neji unironically huffed a bit of a smirk. "Somehow, you always manage to achieve these impossible messes, huh? You're not dead, Naruto. Your body is whole. I've never seen it before. Well, until now."

The news gave Naruto some level of comfort, but still so many questions left unanswered. More now than ever. He felt relief rush over him, but his mind was plagued with possibilities of his situation. And suddenly, a new spark entered his mind.

"So..if this is just some sort of spirit world, what are you doing here?"

Neji dipped his head, his byakugan eyes cast toward the ground, as if the truth were not easy. "There's still work for me here. I can't go." He began to walk, his feet scuffing the ground a bit a he went. "I...have to make sure Hinata will be protected. It's my duty in life and in death, as it seems." he explained, matter - of - factly. "Once I know for sure... Maybe then I can move on."

Naruto's eyebrows knitted in concern. If he couldn't move on soon, would that mean he would become what of those gnashing beasts? Naruto quickened his pace to walk by his side, and peer around to try to meet his gaze.

"Hinata...? But Neji, you don't have to worry about her...I won't let anything happen to her. I swear it."

Neji scoffed suddenly. "Are you kidding, Naruto? Hinata has been in more trouble over the last few months than ever in our lives. We were in a shinobi world war, you know." he recalled just as bluntly, his gaze intent on the road in front of him but at nothing in particular. Naruto pondered this. Well, there had been a lot of trouble lately. Guilt ate at his stomach. His blue eyes glanced around.

", what then? Just let her be with that - that - hyuga guy?" Naruto grimaced. I need to get out of here, was the thought that came swiftly after. He couldn't let that happen. "You're the one who hit him in the head with a rock." he turned up his nose, his arms resting behind his head.

"Please, I only did that because I saw you, and I knew you wouldn't leave to flee the dark souls until they left, too."

"Neji, you can't be serious!" Naruto protested. "Hinata, well - I've already sworn that I-"

"Meet me back on the training grounds tomorrow. I'll teach how to interact with the real world, and maybe we can figure out a way to get you back there." He cut him off, moving away from Naruto with haste.

"W-wait!" he attempted to catch up, but Neji dashed away quickly, not paying any more mind to him. Naruto slowed his pace, losing him, glancing around. He felt sort of scared and hurt, anxious. How could he sleep? He needed to figure out a way out of here. And what about Hinata? Would Neji be doomed to this place, forever?


The following morning, Hinata awoke in the same state she had before - having a vision and a dream of the last time she'd seen Naruto, the explosion that sent the water scattering in every direction, and with them separated. It was like a form of torture she feared she would suffer for a long time. Until they could be together, again. To everyone else, she seemed like the poor girl who couldn't let go. But she knew she wasn't the only one; Hokage Kakashi hadn't made any moves to have a grand funeral for Naruto either; clearly, he held out hope.

Eventually she did pull herself together enough to go see her family, sitting to eat breakfast. She pulled her shawl around her tightly, her gaze looking to her silent father, her smirking sister eating rice. "What is everyone so quiet for?" she asked softly, before her gaze looked through the sliding glass window.

There in the garden and leaned against a stone bench beside a small koi pond was Kirata, flipping a stone in his hand, the other hand in his pocket. He looked cool, reserved. Hinata took pause in this as her eyes scanned him over. He looked and seemed to notice her, standing up from his seat and approaching the doorway. He stopped then at the glass.

Hinata approached and slid the glass door open. Kirata bowed. "Good morning, lady Hinata." he greeted her. He stayed that way, until she acknowledged him, but it took her a moment. Had he been waiting there for her.

"...good morning." she greeted him in return, her voice laced with a slight uncertainty, but she was polite. "Would you like to eat with us?" she offered, moreso thinking this was the right thing to do. Kirata nodded once. His gaze lingered on her for a few moments longer before she moved slightly to the side to allow him entrance, and he walked in past her, brushing her softly. 

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⏰ Last updated: May 04, 2023 ⏰

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