An Old Friend Returns: Part Two

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After preparing supplies and getting into proper gear, mid-day had come, and so had the time to begin the trip to the land of waves to pursue a man by the name of Konsuru. Their decided consensus of the matter is that he had been responsible for taking Hinata's memories – and through a hunch by Sasuke, the real target was quite possibly Naruto himself. Sakura and Hinata walked ahead. The byakugan-eyed girl still hadn't spoken a word to Naruto since what had happened in the Hokage's office. He and Sasuke walked a few paces behind, keeping a good eye out.

"So, is this what you've been up to since I've been gone? Ticking everyone off?" Sasuke prodded in a passive aggressive manner, taking note of the face that Hinata seemed distraught. Naruto sulked – was it that obvious that he and Hinata were having a lover's quarrel?

"It's not like that..." he explained in a hushed tone, clearly ashamed to have to admit his guilt in this way. "You see, Hinata and I...-"

"I know all that already. You and Hinata care differently for each other, now. If it was a secret, you weren't hiding it very well."

At other times of his youth, Naruto would have shot Sasuke a looming glare for being such a know-it-all. But things were different now. He admired his former teammates keen eye for detail, and his no nonsense manner. It truly balanced the two moon, and sun. Though if it were so apparent to him, perhaps it was just as apparent to others. Still, it was embarrassing, as he rubbed his head without a word.

"Maybe you should find time to make up." Sasuke said next as his eyes closed in a matter-of-fact sort of way. Now that proved to surprise his blonde-haired friend.

"Sasuke...what are you saying? Are you some sort of relationship expert now or something?" his mind traveled to thoughts of Sasuke, learning the ways of a woman's heart on the road, perhaps even dabbling in matchmaking. But Sasuke quashed that ideal quickly with a light groan.

"No. It's that neither of you are on high alert while thinking about where things went wrong. Just reconcile your differences so that we can get on with the mission."

As Naruto's thought bubble popped, he realized his friend was right. He didn't enjoy being at odds with Hinata, and definitely didn't like to think that he may have hurt her feelings. He vowed within himself to make things right, as soon as he could find a private moment for themselves.


Surely enough, that time would come. The sun was low in the sky, and the group approached a timid stream.

"Maybe we should stop here for the night. We can see if we can catch some fish for food." Sakura suggested, putting her bag against a nearby tree and stretching her back. Truth be told, it was getting hard to not look over at Sasuke quite frequently. She wondered about his gesture before leaving the village – it had been the one thing on her mind for quite some time. Perhaps sometime soon, she would get some answers.

"I'll volunteer for that." Hinata chimed in, also placing her bag on the ground. "I'd like to see if there's any deeper parts, anyway."

"H-Hinata..." Naruto said softly as she took a step or two away, looking over her shoulder to view him. "Mind if I join you?" he was apprehensive, unsure of how she would react, and feeling awkward all together. She paused, perhaps contemplating it over.

"Not at all. Feel free to join me." She said, though her tone was a bit lifeless, as though she still harbored some ill feelings of a grudge. But the nine tails jinchuriki would take what he could get, following behind her, only glancing over his shoulder briefly as both Sakura and Sasuke watched them go. Sakura felt her heart pang. Who knew how long they'd be off. Alone, with Sasuke...she gazed upward at his towering figure, and noticing from the corner of his eye, his brought his attention to her.

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