The Desire Mission: Part One

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As promised, the new mission involving Naruto, Sai, and Shikamaru began about a week later. In the dark, cold night, a light dusting of snow covered the ground, and the trio sat around a fire to go over some plans.

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"Alright, here's the deal." Shikamaru began, unfolding a map. "There has been a series of robberies and cart high jackings along this road, leading up to Kannabi bridge." The strategic yet lazy ninja runs a finger along the map to indicate the path. "Fortunately, no one had died from these occurrences yet, and what's even stranger is that they're all somehow being lured further into the woods before the attacks, out of the eye of any other potential travelers along that road. What we're going to do is-"

Shikamaru happens to glance up, Where Sai is listening intently, but Naruto is seemingly staring off into nothingness.

"Naruto, are you even listening to what I've just said?"

He's startled out his trance, with an awkward and apologetic smile. "Uh, yeah of course I was listening!" he lies. In reality though, he was not paying attention. His mind had wandered off for what seemed like the thousandth time that night.

"Is something going on between you and Hinata or something?" Shikamaru leaned forward a bit, resting his head in his hand, his arm propped up by his leg. Naruto's gaze fell to the ground, the sound of the crackling fire invaded his thoughtful pause.

"Nothing like that." He enlightened, a small smile curling onto his lips, "I just...can't stop thinking about her." It was true; his thoughts were glued onto her image. He wanted to be around her, he wanted to hold her, he wanted to kiss her...

"You know, I've read somewhere that women make men weak..." Sai interjects with a light-hearted tone, before receiving a glare for his comrade.

"What's that supposed to mean?" Naruto grimaced in defense. He didn't like to think of himself as weak, no shinobi would...especially over someone they loved.

"Well, look at you." Sai laughs with a smile, unaware that he has truly annoyed Naruto. "You can't even keep your head straight while we strategize. It's almost like Hinata had sabotaged the mission-"

"That's enough!" Naruto scolds him. "Don't say that about her. It's my fault. I just need to...focus." He shakes his head clarifyingly.

"Listen, lover boy... This is a B ranked task at best. Let's just get it done, and then you can return to your girl. Got it?" Shikamaru always had a way of putting things so they made sense in Naruto's mind.

"Yeah, you're right." He agreed, with a determined smile. "Now, what were you saying?" a guilty laugh emitted from his lips, causing Shikamaru to sigh and dip his head in aggravation.

"I thought you said you were listening!"


As Sai and Shikamaru slept, Naruto was up until the early hours of the morning. Surely, the sun would begin to rise in little time. He wanted to be able to focus, like he had promised he would, but being left alone with his thoughts was becoming more and more difficult.

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