Jealousy: Part Two

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In conclusion ~


"There you are, Hinata." Kiba got up off of the ground, with a groan.

"Yes." She responded with a smile. "What should we work on?"

Kiba pondered this, with a thoughtful noise. "How about some Shuriken work?"

And so, it being decided, they squared off against the three large posts of the training grounds. Hinata threw first, the stars planting one into each log with a single, skillful throw. She gave a small smile, proudly. For an instant, she remembered speaking to Naruto there. He had given her some encouraging words, as usual. Ah, that was some time ago, now...

"Hey, not too bad!" Kiba praised

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"Hey, not too bad!" Kiba praised. "Let me see if I can do better." His looks of determination firmly on his face. But as he released his shuriken, he stumbled, falling right onto the grassy field. Hinata covered her mouth timidly, as she let out a laugh. Kiba groaned, his face turning prominently red.

"I'm all thrown off. Damn it, Akamaru, why'd you have to go and hurt yourself?"

It was about this time that Naruto had appeared to spy on the two – I mean, check on Hinata. He perched himself into a tree, watching them from above.

"What the...-"

He noticed that Kiba was face first on the ground, and heard the intoxicating sound of Hinata's laughter. He narrowed his eyes, in hopes of examining closer. Hinata had approached Kiba, kneeling down to his side, still giggling lightly.

"Awh, come on, Hinata. Don't laugh." Kiba scolded her, but truly, he was trying to stifle his own merriment as he sat up. Even though he was a bit distraught over Akamaru, Hinata wanted to make her teammate smile. They had a duty to one another, didn't they? And so she picked some flowers, weaving their stems together into a flower crown, and then placing it upon Kiba's head. His eyebrows furrowed into an unamused expression, but seeing how much fun she was having, he just let her do as she pleased.

 His eyebrows furrowed into an unamused expression, but seeing how much fun she was having, he just let her do as she pleased

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"Hey Hinata, you would sort of look like a dog, if I put these flowers in your hair like ears." He smiled, placing them in her hair. Hinata's face reddened slightly.

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