Memories: Part Three

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"It's no trouble at all."

Hinata looked up to see that Naruto was already planted at her side, willing and ready to go. She gave him a thankful smile, as she followed along side of him. He was just happy to be around her, even if it was like they'd never met. He knew the orders were to stay away, but wouldn't it freak her out even more if he flat out refused to help her, he reasoned?

"So, what brings you out and about today anyway?" Naruto asked. He had assumed that she would stay at the Hyuga complex until she began to remember some things.

"Sakura suggested that I take a walk around to try and trigger some memories." She explained, though her tone seemed a little reluctant.

"Oh, do you remember anything yet?" Naruto asked, his voice hopeful, as he gazed down at her profile.

"uh-uh..." she shook her head 'no', quite defeatedly.

"Well, you shouldn't worry about it too much. If Sakura thinks it might help, It probably will."

"Miss she your girlfriend?"

Naruto nearly spit at the question. "Huh? Sakura? No way! we're just...old friends, is all." He laughed it off. Even if she were misguided, for some reason, he felt a sense of fun getting to know Hinata all over again.

"Is there anyone that you care for in that way?" She played with her fingers, like she had when she was a young girl. The hero of the village sighed, looking downward.

"Yes." He breathed out. She hadn't known the half of it, he concluded.

"I see..."

"Well, enough about me!" Naruto chirped, leaning his face closer to grab her attention. "What do you want to know about you?"

Hinata smiled, thinking over the question silently in her head.

"What am I like?" she asked, with something of a playful infliction.

"Awh man, you're super kind hearted, sometimes to a fault. You used to let people push you around a lot, but you never gave up. It's your ninja way."

"Ninja..." she echoed. "So, I guess we're old friends ourselves?" She asked next. Naruto knew that he'd have to keep her answers more on the limited side, to avoid crossing any boundaries.

"Hmm? Yeah, you could say that." Maybe even his face had turned a shade deeper.

"Hey, you have to be a little more specific if I'm going to remember anything!" she teased lightly. Naruto laughed.

"Alright, Yes! We were friends, eventually." He spoke truthfully, though his choice of words had Hinata thinking critically, unknown to him.

"Have I ever fought anyone?" She asked next.

"Oh yeah, lots of times." Naruto explained. "There was this guy once who called himself Pain. He ended up as one of the good guys, but that's not the point. What really matters is that you faced him when almost no one else would. He was a strong opponent."

"My, why on earth would I do a thing like that?" she smiled in flattery. Never in a million years would she picture herself in that light. Naruto remembered that moment again. It was a scene that played in his mind many times over. He was down for the count – most other hidden leaf shinobi were. But Hinata...she jumped in to save him, against all odds.

" care about the village, and your friends. You're a fighter, Hinata. You always were."

She couldn't help but to feel her face flush at his words. He was someone who seemed to recognize her talents. He talked to her like she was a hero...for that, she was grateful.

The pair continued to walk the streets of Konoha chatting about it's different places and inhabitants. It was peaceful. Naruto quickly realized that though she had forgotten everything, she really was still Hinata; and he was enjoying every minute of being with her. When dusk had come, Naruto made sure to take her back home.

"Hinata." Naruto spoke, facing her. "Thanks for spending some time with me today. It can get lonely with not much else to do, you know?" He smiled. She stared back at him. Those words had struck a chord, somehow.

"No, thank you...for being my escort." She gave a deep bow.

"Take care of yourself," I love you, was what he really wanted to say... "And sweet dreams."

"Goodnight." She smiled, heading into her house.

Naruto felt like he was bursting with energy; a smile seemed ever plastered onto his face in a euphoric state, even as he laid in his bed that night, looking up at the ceiling

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Naruto felt like he was bursting with energy; a smile seemed ever plastered onto his face in a euphoric state, even as he laid in his bed that night, looking up at the ceiling. He decided that if this was how he had to interact with Hinata for a while, then so be it; it was far better than not being around her at all.

"Hinata..." he spoke to himself as he felt tiredness wash over him, "I'll wait for you to remember me, no matter how long it takes..."

And truth be told, it wasn't such a quick and easy fix. The next few days went along about the same...Naruto would walk with Hinata and tell her about things, still trying to stay as vague as possible with things that might prove to be too much for an unknowing mind. Sakura would be furious if she knew how much time he was actually spending with her, but she needed him...and that meant that he couldn't stay away.

"Are you starting to remember anything?" Naruto inquired of her.

"Hmm..." she thought critically, roaming through her mind over and over again and putting her hand to her mouth thoughtfully. "I can't tell if these are memories of what's really happened, or just information that you've given's hard to tell." As she dropped her hand back down to her side, it lightly brushed Naruto's. It was enough to send a thrilling spark up his spine. It ended up being the little things such as that that drove Naruto wild.

She doesn't know me like that... he reminded himself to keep his actions at bay. I can't ruin what we have, now...

That is, until the follow day, when Hinata shows up to Naruto's house...


This is part three of Memories, please watch out for part four!

Sneak peak of next chapter:

"Hinata, you've brought me Ichiraku? Ah man, you're the best!"
"Allow me to clean the dishes." Hinata offered. Naruto rose to his feet, approaching her closely from behind. "Here, let me help you..."

~See you then!~

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