Some Fun: Part One

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Because this little mini story ended up being a little longer than intended, I've split it up into two parts, but both are available today! So after you finished this one, go to the next one to see how it ends!


The journey to the land of waves was almost through. As that journey came to a close, the real work began – finding Konsuru, and figuring out what exactly he wanted with Hinata Hyuga of the hidden leaf and why it seemed that every ill-fated illusion revolved around her love interest, Naruto Uzumaki, savior of the same village. Sasuke Uchiha, Naruto's lifelong friend, had been tailing the character for some time now, and he'd had a hidden hunch that Hinata weren't the target at all...but he'd kept the theory to himself for several reasons, including an attempt to prevent his friend from doing anything rash. Sakura, Sasuke, Naruto, and Hinata had adopted a much more serious ambiance now, anxiety riddling them all, and uncomfortable silence intermingling.

"...You smell that?" Sakura broke the cursed stillness first, arching her head slightly to get a better scent. "It smells like salt. We must be near the water. I'll bet it's just over this bend." The pink-haired heroine livened her steps a little to confirm her suspicions, walking a few paces ahead of the group and stopping where surely the trail would go downhill. "Woah..." she marveled, piquing the interest of her comrades, as her pale strands billowed in an oceany breeze.

As the scene came into view for the rest of the party, they all shared varying degrees of the surprise that obviously Sakura had found. Near the gently crashing waves upon a rocky and sandy beach below, sat a...

"A carnival?" Hinata spoke. They'd taken note of rows and rows of vendors setting up their stands with foods, clothing, and goods. Decorations, lanterns to be lit to guide the path, villagers practicing their flutes and lyres. Even a tall and daintily colored ferris wheel, soft blues and off whites to match the shore near. It severely lacked an audience, however, seeming to still be in the works. Overall the sight was that of fancy and wonder that the mission group had desperately lacked themselves in the last coming days.

"You young travelers looking to go to the festival?"

An unfamiliar voice intruded, that of a woman dressed in beautiful scarves and bangles, though they'd seemed warn, interjected. Pulling a sheet from a brown bag at her side, she handed it straight to Naruto. "It starts at nightfall. Join us." She grinned, before sauntering off over the hill and down the trail. Naruto's eyes skimmed the paper in wonder, 'games and prizes, entertainment, and food - - come and try
our delicious home made ramen!'

Of course, Naruto's features quirked into an excited grin. Ah, Ramen....surely it wouldn't be like Ichiraku, but it had to be better than the measly dried meats and fruits they'd been reduced to so far. He'd pictured a delicious /sea/ style ramen, when soft shell crab, or yellow fin tuna?

"Speaking of nightfall, we should find a place to set up camp." Sasuke burst that bubble swiftly, obviously forseeing what was on Naruto's mind. His cape fluttered around his body as he went off the beaten path to find a safe place to stay. Naruto deflated...okay, so apparently his friend hadn't shared the same interest in the thought, but would he ever be who he was if he gave up so easily?

"Sasuke, wait up!" He called, scrambling after the stoic ninja, just a few steps ahead of Sakura and Hinata who lingered behind together. As he reached Sasuke's side, who made little attempt to stifle his pace, he laid out his case. "You know Sasuke, I was thinking - maybe we can -"

"No." Sasuke stated plainly and confidently, as if his mind were already made up. Naruto growled under his breath.

"Hmph, you don't even know what I was going to say..." He insisted, furrowing his eyebrows toward him.

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