Konsuru's Plan: Part Four

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In Conclusion ~ 

(please forgive for spelling errors, I will proof read asap but was so excited to update!)


Naruto and crew were led away to what appeared to be the mouth of a cave; stone after heavy stone had been moved, they were clearly in an attempt to block the hole forever or as long as natural elements would allow. Soburou's men and women had been working tirelessly, dirt and sweat covered, to move the stones and create a path, believing well that they'd found something. The opening was dark and difficult to peer into.

"A cavern. I don't understand what's keeping it stable, but it leads downward and downward, even below the strait." One of the local swordsmen explained, but it seemed to confirm Sasuke's thoughts that something else were at play in the water here, something that was keeping the water's stifling weight from collapsing a cavern with just a few inches of dirt between its roof, and the rushing whirlpools above. Sasuke remained unreadable, but internally he knew his suspicions were true. This Konsuru, he'd found a way to suspend liquids and perhaps other objects without the use of ninjutsu. If nothing else, he was beginning to believe the man to be a genius. A dangerous intellect.

Naruto was as brazen as ever; they'd found their way in, and he was just that much closer to finding out what this guy wanted with Hinata; why he wanted her memories, why he'd attempt to lure her away from the safety of the hidden leaf. His mind could only wander. Was it her eyes? Her status? What? Whatever it was, his heart pounded in anticipation. "Well, what are we waiting for?" he took a step toward the mouth of the cave. Sasuke stepped his way in front of him, giving Naruto a grave expression.

"Stay on your toes. I don't think his intentions are clear." He warned. It was cryptic enough, as to be expected of the wandering nomad, but Naruto only considered it slightly. It was clear enough to him that Hinata was in trouble, and beyond that he didn't care. Konsuru thought that he could play with people's lives, not just hers, but countless in the land of waves. And it stopped, today. He brushed past Sasuke.

The group took a moment to disrobe their disguises, no longer needing to keep their identities. One by one the shinobi and company entered the cave; Sasuke and his three former companions – Karin, Jugo and Suigetsu, Sakura, Naruto, Hinata...even Fumiko and Nobu extended their alliance, being they'd had their own casualties in the matter, even if they'd been advised against it. Deeper and deeper they'd went, seemingly going downward and downward, using the light of torches and Hinata's sensitive Byakugan to make their way. In time they came across something strange.

"Skeletal remains." Jugo was the first the point out what they'd come across, and shining light upon them made it clear that he was right. Illuminated were piles of bones stripped of flesh and semblance truly of what they once were. They ranged from medium in size to unusually large, with characteristics that didn't seem to match that of a human or an animal entirely. Sakura bent to a knee.

"So, what are they?" Suigetsu questioned, voice reverberating off of the stoney walls. Sakura pursed her lips and inspected; as a medical nin by training, she could clearly see for herself that something sinister were at hand all together, and it managed to twist a knot in her stomach.

"Neither...or, maybe both." She explained. Hinata's hand fluttered up to her lips momentarily as she gazed on, feeling sorrow and pain for the creatures that had perished unnaturally, seemingly been warped and twisted to the will of another, it made her feel sick and uneasy. Of course the sensation effected the entire group.

"There were some strange sightings not too long ago." Enlightened Nobu. "Mostly by children who played by the water. Running home frantically to their parents of humanoid creatures...we all just thought they were games." He shuddered lightly. Naruto's eyebrow creased as the pieces of the puzzle seemingly clicked.

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