Konsuru's Plan: Part Three

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Read until the end for a sweet encounter ~ <3

"Me??" Naruto yelped. Why, he didn't know the first thing about sword fighting, how could he do this?? He didn't even own a sword!

Soburou glanced the shinobi over. "...Can't say I've seen you before." He concluded; oh, the irony that the great bridge just yonder were named after him. "Alright, you're in."

"H-hang on here,...Sasuke??" Naruto turned to his friend to attempt a private conversation that was only apparent to the crowd around him.

Sasuke grimaced in displeasure. "I don't suppose you have any better ideas?"

Suigestu took Naruto by the shoulder with a hard thud, startling the already on – edge shinobi. "Don't sweat it, just relax." He pulled his own sword out, handing it over to Naruto. "Here, you can use mine. And I'll be right over here, tellin' ya what do to." He smiled as if it were full proof.

"Wait a minute –"

Before Naruto could even protest even further, he was shoved into a large circle, drawn out in the dust and dirt beneath them.

"Rule number one – you fight in the ring, and only the ring. Looks like you've already got that down." Soburou cackled. "Rule number two, you don't leave the ring 'til the fight's over."

Naruto glared his way.

"Rule number three – sword fighting, only...Now that that's all cleared up, meet your opponents."

One male, and one female stepped forward – the looks on their faces showed their confidence.

"Meet Fumiko, and Nobu. My best fighters...and while you're meeting them, well...might as well fight!" Soburou waved his arm to signal the beginning of the match, and the crowd around them erupted in cheers...All that Sakura and Hinata could do now, was look on, wait, and send their hopes and prayers.

Suigetsu stood on the sidelines as Sasuke stepped into the circle. Naruto clutched the hilt of the sword between both hands, as unsure as ever, holding it so tightly that the skin of his knuckles began to turn white...this was all for the safety of Hinata and Sakura, he reminded himself, and in true Naruto fashion, he didn't give up so easily!

Two opponents stepped forward to meet the ninja, and in the next moment, the battle had seemed to begin – with one over-zealous participant flying toward Sasuke in a fury of battle calls and disdain. It clearly hadn't worked to spook the wandering Uchiha, who squared up in his own right, allowing his opponent to clash his sword against his own. Brute strength pushed forward on Sasuke's blade, but Sasuke refused to allow an inch of slashing room, leaving the two in a moment of dead-heat. Naruto had been watching the pair for the duration, a bit awestruck and also a bit awkward, completely unsure of what his next move should be – though the decision was made for him in the next attack.

"Naruto, Look out!" Suigestu called from the outer circle, a bead of sweat running down his face in anxiety, as the blonde haired shinobi failed to realize he'd be dealing with an attack of his own. His blue eyes fluttered forward to see the approaching figure, raising their sword that curved at the top with a sharp gleam toward him. Naruto had just managed to deflect the spear with his own, his gaze laced with worry.

"That's it! Now counter! Use your sword as a shield!" Suigestu called, and Naruto followed instruction – he slipped the blade of his sword away, lunging it in a side sweep toward the enemy; she'd managed to deflect it. Again and again the clink of their swords resonated throughout the arena, clashing together in a stalemate.

Alright, so I've got defense down...now how the hell do I attack??

Meanwhile, Sasuke had managed to break free from the enemy's strong hold – with a well-placed duck, the sheer force exerted by the goon had made the blade fly straight over Sasuke's raven hair...paired with a kick of his leg, his opponent had gone tumbling toward the ground, falling backward and meeting his gaze to the end of Sasuke's sword-edge.

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