An Old Friend Returns: Part Five

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Hinata sat on the stoop of the inn, her head resting in her hands, her elbows propped by her knees. She didn't know what to do, how to handle the situation. And most of to tell could she enlighten him on Sasuke's proclamation of love? Even if there was something strange about it? She was nearly too bashful to tell him her /own/ feelings let alone someone else's. This wasn't what she had ever pictured for herself as a wall flower – young girl.

Suddenly, Naruto and Sakura came into view, Sakura dragging Naruto along with haste. Hinata stood to greet them, but a heavy feeling lingered in her throat. She clasped her hands in front of her in a nervous way.

"You two seem to be in a hurry...did you find any information?" she was hopeful for that, at least.

"No, but Naruto isn't feeling well. He needs to go and rest right now." Sakura was a bit short with her fellow kunoichi, not very interested in conversation at all. The only reason she had stopped in the first place was because Naruto put all his weight into stopping at the sight of her. He himself had so much to say, and no way to say it.

"Naruto's...not feeling well?" her voice was soft and slight concerned as her doey eyes flickered over to him, anxiety striking her awkward gaze.

Hinata...I'm fine...It's not me who's acting strange, it's Sakura! She's driving me crazy – she's in love with me! But I'm in love with you...and I'm so sorry about everything...

The words were stuck floating around in Naruto's mind as he stared back. He tried to force them through his vocal chords, but they just wouldn't budge. It was too big of a bomb to drop after the argument, and searching for the man who had stolen her memories...too much stress...and too strange of a thing to admit. He found himself sputtering without a response to her, making her feel as though he really were ill...and in return, had she nothing to say to him either?

"Come on, Naruto!" Sakura coaxed, gritting her teeth and edging him along. "Do you want to feel worse when the chill of the night comes?" she dragged him away, his gaze still fixated on her byakugan eyes. When they were out of sight of each other, Naruto dropped his eyes to the floor.

She's still not talking to me, I guess... his heart contracted in a hurtful way at the thought. Transversely, Hinata sat back down on her stoop, a small sigh escaping her lips.

I guess...he isn't talking to me...


That night was like a dreading terror for Naruto. In a strange turn of events, as soon as he left Hinata's presence, his body began sweating profusely and his stomach was in looping knots – his chest felt tight, and uncomfortable. Had he really come down with something after all?

He laid on the bed of the room, his shirt and headband discarded from his body and thrown on the floor. He was sprawled out to reach all four corners of the mattress, staring at the ceiling.

"Here." Sakura invaded his thoughtful space, and line of vision, first appearing like a blur but slowly coming into focus. She dropped a cold cloth onto his forehead, eliciting a light groan from him.

"Sakura, I said to stay on your own side of the room!" Naruto huffed, looking over at the empty bed to his right that sat a few feet away. He wasn't the type to bark orders, but she was out of control. He needed to assert some dominance in the situation, though it clearly wasn't working in the least. "I feel fine." This time, he lied, and it was written all over his face. Sakura gave a sobering sigh.

"No, you're not fine...but you're right about one thing; I can't help you, because you have something can't be fixed with regular old medical ninjutsu." She sat down on his bedside. Naruto watched her, remaining silent, a million thoughts racing through his head. Something that couldn't be healed with ninjutsu?

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