Returning Home: Part Two

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Naruto wasn't sure of how to ask what he was trying to ask. He just wanted to make sure that Hinata was okay, even if he had already made amense with Toneri. At first, the Byakugan-eyed girl was also unsure of what exactly he was asking...but upon the realization, she waved her hands in an awkward fidget in his direction.

"Oh no, of course not." She assured him. "He was very hospitable, until the end." And still, there was a slight burning of envy in the orange-clad ninja's chest. Had he gazed upon her lovliness, like he was now? Did he feed her, give her a place to sleep, care for her...? And most of all...did he know how to do those things better than he did? In truth, He had no idea how to be a boyfriend. But he went with his true feelings, and that was his own care for her. As the pair locked eyes, their faces drew nearer, magnetically.

"Order up!"

The Ichiraku man set down two bowls of ramen in front of them, inturrupting their entraced state toward one another. Naruto even seemed a little perturbed, but his positive mood came back to him as the sweet scent of his favorite food filled his nose. He smiled to himself.

"You know, Iruka Sensei used to bring me here and buy me ramen...and after him, it was Kakashi sensei, and that pervy sage. To me, it was like they were showing me that they cared." He explained. Hinata inturpreted his words in a soft way, as if he were explaining that by buying her ramen, he was passing down a tradition of showing affection in that way, the best way he knew how. She looked upon him with an appreciative grin.

How far you've come, Naruto...she thought, as she could almost see the young boy he used to be, and the elven joy on his face to be sitting in that very seat. Naruto looked over at her, before proclaiming, "So let's eat!"

 Naruto looked over at her, before proclaiming, "So let's eat!"

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After completing their meals, the shinobi and his kunoichi decided to take a walk back toward Hinata's home. It was a crisp, chilly night, and Hinata wrapped her arms around herself in attempt to stay warm. Naruto hated to think that she might be cold, and so he walked a little closer, putting an arm around her body. It hadn't gone unnoticed of course, as Hinata leaned in toward him with a pleased smile. As he gazed down at her soft hair and petite features, he had a feeling come over him. It was an urge that he couldn't quite explain.

"It's getting late." Hinata said, truly not wanting to moment to end, but his silence had startled her into speaking.

"W-wait a second." Naruto replied tenderly, taking her by the hand to cease her casual pace. It had nearly made the hair on the back of her neck stand on end; she looked at him with anxious peculiarness, her eyes twinkled, and his look back at her was that of determination. Once more, he dipped his head forward, as that's what his body and mind were telling him to do.

"Hinata! Hinata!"

And once again, the effort was futile as an urgent voice and hurried footsteps emerged from the shadow of the night. It was no one more than Hinata's trusted team members, Kiba Inuzuka and Shino Aburame, along with Akamaru, of course. Akamaru couldn't wait to be pet, immediately granted by Hinata.

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