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"Self advices"

Think twice before you act
remember the alpha that made you.

Don't believe what you believe because that's how they raised you
Think your own thoughts don't let them think them for  you
Pour your own drink don't let them pour it on you.

Surround yourself by people who are honest and loyal
Grab your own glass fill it up don't let your fear destroy you.

You can call the devil many names
but don't call it a fool
it's a being of experience
It  gets  into your mind and turns you to its tool.

Show the world that you are different and unique not another teenage fool
Blind them with your light , but never forget the reason you shine so bright

Never show weakness
Accept who you are and what you've become
Tell your darkness to say goodbye to the old you
Tell it you aren't friends anymore it doesn't know you.

Encourage your future
build your destiny
don't allow your mistakes mould and control you
These are self advices I confirm upon you.


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