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I'm so bad at coming up with titles. Idk what to label this.


Kenny and Stan watched their two friends argue for the one hundredth time that week. It was amusing, but also quite sad since they knew Eric had feelings for Kyle. They felt pity for him.



"No. We are not!" Cartman yelled.

"YES WE ARE!" Kyle screamed.

"No we're not." Cartman stood up from the table and walked away.

"Dude," Stan looked at his friend. "What is wrong with you?"

"What?!" Kyle was shocked. "Why are you defending him? I haven't even done anything, he was the one pissing me off!"

"He wasn't trying to! You just get upset so easily and you started yelling at him," Stan stated. "Haven't you noticed he's been a lot nicer to you recently? And you're still trying to pick a fight with him every time you talk."

Kyle looked at his friend in disbelief, how could he be siding with CARTMAN?!

"Been nicer to me...?" Kyle realized.

"Yes! He's been nicer to use because he- ..." Stan stopped himself before he said anymore.

"Because he what?"

"Because he likes you!!!" Kenny blurted out.

The table fell quiet and Craig, Butters, and Clyde who were also sitting there were shocked.

"HE WHAT?" Kyles jaw dropped. "No you guys are pranking me right-"

"He does." Stan said.

"Holyyyyyyyyyyy shit." Clyde said aloud.

Kyle buried his head in his hands and groaned. He looked up at his friends, "you aren't joking are you-"


Kyle sighed and felt his heart rate increase and his face heat up, "oh god... Oh god oh god oh god oh god."

"Well...?" Stan asks wondering what his friends feelings about the situation are.

"Oh my god..."

"What dude?!" Kenny asks impatiently.

Lunch time came and Kyle rushed out of his class. He ran to Cartmans classroom which was luckily just a few doors down. Cartman was walking out the classroom when suddenly a hand wrapped around his and yanked him away from the class.

'Oh shit...' Cartman thought as he watched Kyle drag him to who knows where.

"Kyle please- I don't wanna fight-" Cartman yelped.

"Shut up!" Kyle hissed in response.

Cartman noticed Kyles sweaty hands and decided to use it as a way to make him feel more in power, "you're hands are really sweaty, bet you're scared for when I'll beat the shit out of you."

"I said shut up!!!" Kyle yelled. He crossed the street, leaving the school and walking into an alleyway.

Kyle dragged Eric by his wrist, pulling him into the shadows of the buildings besides the alley. He threw him against the brick wall then pinned his wrists above him and smashed his lips onto his.

478 words.

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