Resolution (Slight Angst)

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Started writing this months ago, then completely forgot about it💀

Stan was a bit, no, he was BEYOND confused about his friends relationship. Not that he thought it was weird, because while they were an odd couple, he got past that stage a while ago. It was just how they acted. If he didn't know any better he wouldn't have even known the two were "in love", or at least that's what Kyle claims. 99% of the day they don't even act like a couple, like at all. No flirting, no hugging, no hand holding, no heart eyes, nothing. At some random point of the day they would hold hands or give the other a quick peck, but at every other time of the day they wouldn't act at all interested in one another.

What made this even more weird was that at the beginning of the relationship they were nothing like this, they were constantly talking to each other and not wanting to be separated. Stan normally wouldn't care for others relationships, but Kyle and Cartman were his best friends, so he was a bit concerned. Were they going to break up?

Right now all four boys were at Stan's house. Stan would somehow get himself and Kyle alone so he could ask if anything happened. He'd try to be casual about it, he didn't want it to sound like he was trying to be nosey; he was just worried.

The boys were playing UNO on the floor just having fun. Kenny got an UNO, but Kyle called it out before him causing Kenny to throw his last card onto the floor and groan in annoyance as this was the sixth time that round that had happened to him. Cartman chuckled and Stan grinned.

"I'm hungry. Let's get some food," Kenny suggested.

Everybody nodded in agreement and settled on pizza. Kenny called and placed the order.

"Stan you wanna go with me to pick up the pizza?" Kenny asked.

"Why didn't you order for delivery?" Kyle questioned.

"Thought it'd be nice to get out the house," Kenny explained. "So you wanna come or not, Stan?"

"What? No! Don't leave me alone with him!" Kyle exclaimed looking at Cartman.

"WH- I don't want to be left with you either, bitch!" Cartman said back.

Stan face palmed and Kenny frowned in disappointment, "why do you guys act like you hate each other."

"We DO hate each other!" Kyle argued.

"What? Are you two fake dating or something?" Kenny said annoyed.

"What?! No-"

"Well then do you just fOrGeT that you're dating? Or do you seriously just not love each other at all-"

"Okay enough!" Stan interrupted. "Cartman, you go with Kenny to pick up the pizza. I've been meaning to talk with Kyle alone anyway..."

An anxious look flashed on Kyles face for a quick second. Cartman just shrugged a 'whatever' and left the house with Kenny.

"So..." Kyle said trying to sound casual, but an anxious tone was seeping through his attempt. "What did you want to talk about?"

Stan sighed and sat up, stretched, then walked over to his bed and sat on it, "it's sort of about what Kenny was saying earlier."

"About that whore Val-"

"No, no. After that. When we were deciding who would go with him to get the pizza."

" and Eric?" Kyle guessed, honestly confused on what there would be to talk about if that was the correct answer.

Stan nodded, "yeah."

"Well what about us? If we're like- fake dating?"

"No. I know you two are in love with each other. It's just that...I'm worried I guess."

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