~~ The inevitable audience (23)~~

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Arianna, accompanied by Lavenia, entered her chambers after a brisk walk in the gardens. She longed to venture into the city to the markets and see the common folks and merchants about their daily lives. The Queen Dowager felt it was not the right time for such excursions as things were tenuous.

Out of the corner of her eye, something shrouded in dark clothes made her stop. She turned in its direction and saw nothing but an endless corridor in the Royal Quarters.

"What's the matter?" Lavenia asked.

"Nothing. I thought I saw something or someone," she said, her pulse racing.

"Must be a soldier scuttering around. They guard this part of the palace heavily."

The soldiers' uniforms were blue and white, not the colour of death. Feeling out of sorts, she shook her head to get a grip on herself. Lavenia was right about one thing: White Palace's west wing was teeming with guards. It made escaping difficult if such an opportunity ever arose.

As they entered her chambers, they paused at the flurry of activity inside. Mara was guiding several maids to put the fabric of various kinds and colours by the window. An elderly woman was fussing with a parchment, while an apprentice nearby was taking stock of the threads.

"Pray, what's this?" she demanded. Her tone contained incredulity.

"His Majesty has commissioned gowns for you for your stay," Mara replied as she eyed the precarious mountain of fabrics balanced on top of each other.

"My stay?" She folded her arms across her chest, pushing the trepidation in the pit of her belly aside.

"You are the royal guests and will be outfitted as such," Mara said before directing a maid. "Renuka, child, take the bolts of the silks and velvets and spread them for Soltana to select."

"There is no need, as I don't intend to stay here for too long," she snapped, unable to tamper her anger.

Her words put a stop to the hubbub in her chambers. Renuka, a girl in her first flush of youth, eyed her curiously. Over time, many of the maids, encouraged by Lavenia, had relaxed in her company.

"This is the conversation you should have with Ethan," Mara suggested with an irritated exhale.

"I would if he would stop avoiding me," Arianna said.

"He has important state matters to deal with."

"Yet he found time to tell you to take care of my wardrobe." Arianna refused to back down, ignoring how Lavenia's eyes bulged at the confrontation.

"I do what the king asks me. It's for your own good that you do too." Mara turned around to say something to the modiste, dismissing Arianna.

Two maids rushed towards her and started to undo her gown for the fittings. One reached out to take her hair combs, but Lavenia hesitated when she noticed the storm gathering on Sultana's face.

"Well, then, it appears your king and I are due for a talk." She batted them away and spun around to leave her chambers.

"Foolish girl. He will not appreciate your insolence," Mara shouted after her.

Stopping at the doors, she craned her neck. "We shall see how benevolent your king is. It won't surprise me if he is arrogant like the rest of them."

Her barb drew gasps of outrage, but Arianna had enough. Ethan's indifference towards her this past month was one thing, but deciding her future without asking her opinion was another. This was Arlington where woman had an equal say and she would see to it.

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