Chapter 2: The Reckless Prince

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In the seedy depths of Kaon, the Energon bar hummed with chaotic energy. Orion Eclipse, a promising young Decepticon and heir to Megatron's throne found himself at the heart of the revelry. The room was filled with the clinking of metal cups and rowdy cheers as Orion engaged in an Energon beer-drinking contest. He had reached the final round, the last cup of Energon beer, and victory was within his grasp.

The Decepticons surrounding him erupted in boisterous applause, their optics gleaming with excitement. Swindle, a cunning and opportunistic Decepticon, couldn't contain his enthusiasm. "He did it!" he shouted, a wide grin stretching across his face.

But amidst the celebration, a commanding presence loomed over the bar. Megatron, their lord, and master, made his entrance known with a deliberate throat-clearing. The room fell silent, the raucous cheers dying down to a mere whisper.

Swindle's voice trembled with urgency. "It's Lord Megatron! Scram!"

In a panic, the Decepticons dispersed, leaving a drunken and disheveled Orion Eclipse behind. His Energon-fueled triumph had swiftly transformed into a dire predicament. Orion's optics blurred as he struggled to maintain his balance, his mind clouded by the potent concoction coursing through his systems.

"Orion, get up!" Megatron's voice echoed sternly, cutting through the haze of inebriation.

Orion mumbled incoherently, his body sinking further into the comfort of the table. "But the table's so comfy..."

Megatron's patience wore thin, his voice laced with frustration. "Orion Eclipse! If you ever wish to amount to anything in this life, you must forsake these frivolous escapades! You are a grown mech and you are MY son. It's time you started acting your age. A future leader shouldn't be wasting his time on pointless Energon beer-drinking contests, let alone get inebriated from them! ORION!!!"

A feeble hiccup escaped Orion's vocalizer, barely a response to his father's admonishments. "Uh-huh?" Orion said with a drunk tone of voice. With an exasperated sigh, Megatron shook his helm. "You're impossible. Come on, let's get you home."

Shouldering the burden of his son's intoxicated state, Megatron guided Orion Eclipse out of the bar. Once they arrived at their residence, Megatron sought the aid of Knock Out, the skilled Decepticon medic. Knock Out's optics widened in disbelief as he learned of Orion's escapades, but he wasted no time in attending to the young mech's needs.

As the medic worked diligently to nurse Orion back to health, the weight of his actions settled upon the young Decepticon's processor. Gratitude mixed with remorse, and a newfound determination took root within Orion Eclipse. With the support of his father and the guidance of those who believed in him, Orion vowed to rise above his recklessness and prove himself worthy of the legacy he bore.

Orion Eclipse stormed out of his father's lair, his mind clouded with anger and shame. He had always been a bit of a troublemaker, but he never expected to get scolded by Megatron himself for getting into an Energon beer contest. As he trudged through the dark, empty streets of Cybertron, he couldn't help but feel alone and lost. That's when he remembered his old friend Wildbreak, the only one who truly understood him. He made his way to Wildbreak's hideout, a rundown garage in the outskirts of the city just so he can vent to his trustworthy friend.

"So, Orion. What did your old mech do to you this time?" Wildbreak asked. "Eh, nothing out of the ordinary. Just gave me the cold shoulder," Orion replied with a smirk. Wildbreak snorted. "Come on. He let you off easy."

Orion laughed. "Yeah, I guess you're right. So...are we still going to the party next week?" Wildbreak shook his head. "No. The party isn't going to happen next week." Orion raised an eyebrow. "How come?"

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