Chapter 7: Never Alone

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Starscream lounged on a regal throne within his opulent chamber, surrounded by a team of diligent servants attending to his every need. His sharp claws were being meticulously sharpened, his sleek feet polished to a shine, and a pair of loyal bots fanned him with delicate precision. A tray of Energon snacks and a goblet filled with a rich Energon beverage rested within easy reach.

Just as Starscream was savoring the indulgent treatment, the chamber doors swung open, and Onslaught, the stoic and battle-hardened Decepticon warrior, stepped inside. The room grew tense, the servants freezing in their tasks as they exchanged wary glances.

Onslaught's optics locked onto Starscream, his voice laden with a simmering intensity. "Starscream, you are unfit to rule as the leader of the Decepticons. Your lust for power blinds you, and your incompetence threatens the very fabric of our cause."

Starscream scoffed, a dismissive smirk curling upon his face. "Onslaught, you always were one to question authority. But I have no time for your insolence. I have proven my worth, and the Decepticons have chosen me as their leader."

Onslaught's gaze narrowed, his voice laced with accusation. "You speak of worth and leadership, yet what of Orion Eclipse? The heir to Megatron's throne, the one you claim to have fallen victim to an Autobot rogue. I know the truth, Starscream. You were responsible for his disappearance."

Starscream's optics flickered with a momentary glimmer of unease, but he quickly composed himself, adopting a mask of innocence. "Onslaught, you speak lies. Orion and Megatron met their demise with honor. Metroplex, the traitorous Autobot city, fell upon Megatron and an Autobot rogue slaughtered his son....and they fought valiantly until their last sparks extinguished." he lied.

Onslaught's stern expression remained unyielding as he pressed on. "Orion Eclipse is not dead. He is missing, waiting for the time when he can claim his rightful place as the ruler of the Decepticons. You know this to be true, Starscream."

The Seeker's patience snapped, his voice laced with fury. "Arrest him! Seize this traitor and throw him into the deepest confines of our prison! Onslaught's words hold no merit. He seeks to undermine me!"

As Starscream's guards moved forward to carry out his command, Onslaught stood his ground, defiant and resolute. "The truth will be revealed, Starscream. Orion Eclipse will return, and you will face the consequences of your deceit."

With a final glare, Starscream watched as Onslaught was forcibly removed from the chamber, his accusations lingering in the air like an unshakable omen. The room fell into silence, and Starscream was left alone, his throne serving as a cold reminder of the fragile foundation upon which he stood.

Meanwhile, within the confines of the metal hut, Orion Eclipse lay still, his wounded ribcage being tended to by the wise and elusive Alpha Trion. The elderly mech's voice resonated with caution and wisdom.

"You must remain hidden, young Orion," Alpha Trion explained, his tone gentle yet firm. "The Decepticons, and even the Autobots, must not know you still draw breath. You are an elusive target, and we must bide our time until the moment is right."

Orion's optics met Alpha Trion's, a mixture of understanding and impatience shining within them. "But Alpha Trion, I want to confront Starscream, expose his lies and reclaim the Decepticons."

Alpha Trion placed a reassuring hand on Orion's shoulder. "Patience, my young friend. Revenge will do you no good. It will only destroy you just as it did with your father." The old bot said.

Orion Eclipse's optics dimmed, and he looked away from Alpha Trion. "But I feel so alone, Alpha Trion. My parents are gone, and I have no one left."  Alpha Trion's hand tightened on his shoulder, and his voice softened. "You are not alone, Orion. Your parents may have left this world, but they are one with the Allspark, and a small piece of the Allspark is strong within you. You carry their spark within you, and they will always be with you, guiding you."  Orion Eclipse didn't quite understand what Alpha Trion meant, but he felt a sense of comfort wash over him. He looked up at Alpha Trion, and a small smile crossed his face. "Thank you, Alpha Trion. I will try to be patient."

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