Chapter 13: Rescues and Shocking Discoveries

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The air aboard the colossal Decepticon prison spaceship, the Alchemor, was heavy with tension as Orion Eclipse made his way through the dimly lit corridors. The events of the past few days had weighed heavily on his spark. He had scoured the face of Cybertron, desperate to locate his father, Megatron, the formidable leader of the Decepticons. Yet, despite his relentless efforts, the trail had grown cold, leading him to a point of desperation.

As Orion Eclipse approached the heavily guarded entrance of the Decepticon prison, he took a moment to compose himself. Starscream, the treacherous Seeker who had once been his father's loyal second-in-command, now found himself confined within these cold metal walls. If anyone had the information he sought, it would be Starscream.

The guards cast wary glances at Orion Eclipse, a new presence within their midst. They stepped aside reluctantly, allowing him to pass. The young Decepticon's optics narrowed as he entered the dimly lit cellblock, the sound of Energon bars crackling with energy filling the air.

It didn't take long for Orion Eclipse to locate Starscream's cell. The infamous traitor sat within, his optics flickering with a mixture of amusement and disdain. He leaned against the wall, his arms crossed defiantly over his chest.

"Well, well, well," Starscream sneered as Orion Eclipse approached. "If it isn't the lost prince himself? Come to beg for my help, have you?"

Orion Eclipse met Starscream's piercing gaze, his expression determined. "I seek answers, Starscream. My father is missing, and I cannot find him. We cannot find him anywhere in Kaon and outside of Kaon. I thought perhaps you might have some knowledge that could aid me."

Starscream chuckled, the sound dripping with bitterness. "Why should I help you, Orion Eclipse!?! You, the ungrateful son of Megatron who had plans to abandon his father's cause for his own selfish desires for a perfect future?!! The one who turned his back on the Decepticons by having love affairs with Prime's daughter?!?!"

The words stung, but Orion Eclipse refused to let his emotions show. He had a mission to accomplish. "If you won't help me find Megatron, consider this: if the masked cloaked terrorist mastermind with a mask that looks like the Herald of Unicron insignia succeeds in his plan, you may never have the opportunity to try to overthrow my father again. He'll be dead soon and YOU, Starscream—will be dead."

Starscream's optics widened, a flicker of fear dancing within. It was a truth that had been lurking in the back of his mind, one he had been too proud to admit. For all his treachery, the thought of being eliminated by an even greater threat unsettled him.

"What do you know about this...masked vigilante?" Starscream asked, his voice laced with a mix of curiosity and apprehension.

Orion Eclipse leaned in closer, his voice lowering to a hushed tone. "I don't have all the details yet, but all I know is that he wears a mask shaped like the Herald of Unicron insignia. He's ruthless and mysterious, and he's kidnapped my father and is possibly holding him hostage. If we don't act quickly, both of our destinies may be sealed."

Starscream's optics narrowed, his expression shifting from skepticism to a begrudging understanding. "There is someone who might be able to help you. A female Autobot named Melione. She was close friends with your father, Megatron, before the Great War even began."

Hope flickered within Orion Eclipse's spark. "Where can I find her?"

Starscream smirked, his pride momentarily forgotten in the face of a greater threat. "Kolkular's main computer room. It's the best place to reach her. But remember Orion Eclipse, this is the only help you'll ever get from me. Don't forget where our loyalties lie."

Orion Eclipse nodded, gratitude evident in his optics. "Thank you, Starscream. Your knowledge may prove invaluable."

With that, Orion Eclipse turned and made his way out of the prison, his mind racing with newfound determination. He had a lead, a glimmer of hope amidst the darkness that had enveloped them all. With Melione's assistance, they might just stand a chance against the masked vigilante and save his father, Megatron, from an unknown fate.

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