Chapter 24: Discriminated

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A dark blue and teal female Decepticon named Astraea is walking in the halls of Kolkular as she has her servos behind her back and facing straight. She sees the disdainful looks on the other Decepticons and hears them whispering about her. Before the Great War, Astraea was a high class citizen as she is the daughter of Senator Proteus, one of Sentinel Zeta Prime's Autobots. The rest of the Decepticons were from the lower class, and a few of them were from the middle class.

"You have seen one high class bot, you have seen them all: think they're superior and above us," a Decepticon trooper said as Astraea stops, and turns around, glaring at him "Are you seriously judging me?" she asked, approaching the trooper. "Well, it depends on your question," he replied, "Look...not every Cybertronian of the lower class has a problem with the Caste System and a problem with Sentinel Zeta Prime. Some of us, want a change for Cybertron as we could live in our own lives, choose what job we could have. The Caste System is no more, but don't forget what rank we are in. I had helped Megatron with my knowledge of Sentinel Zeta Prime and the High Council, and that gave him the advantage, you got that?" Astraea stated, "Yes, ma'am," the Decepticon trooper replied as Astraea resumes walking the halls.


At the cafeteria...

Astraea is at the table, eating her lunch with her friends, Flamewar and Shadowstriker. When Astraea is done with her meal, she encounters the Decepticon Justice Division as they spotted her. "Astraea, what a fine noon this is," Tarn said with curtsy, "Yep, a fine afternoon," Astraea replied in a polite tone as she was about to leave until Tesarus stops her, "Hang on, we have a proposal for you," he said. "And it's at The Peaceful Tyranny," Helex said. "Lead the way," Astraea replied as they escort her to their ship.

At the Peaceful Tyranny...

Tarn began the proposal, "We had heard so much about you by reputation: You're a powerhouse, a risk-taker who puts the lust in Energon lust, and very clever," Tarn explained. "With a bot like you, no traitor of the Decepticon cause won't expect, so are you in?" he finished as he extends his servo.

Astraea looks at Tarn with a stern expression, "Your proposal is declined," she replied as she begins to leave as Kaon blocks her path, "How can you decline a proposal like this?" he asked as Astraea pulls out her crater mine deployer and whacks him on the helm, "Aww Geesh, Kaon. I wonder what that is? Is it because, I hate you guys?" Astraea stated, "You call yourselves The Decepticon Justice Division, all you guys do is torturing the traitors from the list, by grinding them, melting them, electrocute them, place a faceplate filled with spikes and hooks, and literally talking them to death?" she added, "Face it DJD, you are nothing but a disgrace to the justice system, your joys of torture will be your comeuppance as you will be faced with true justice," Astraea explained as she leaves their ship.

As Astraea approached the formidable gates of the Decepticon fortress, Kolkular, a chill swept through her circuits, mirroring the icy reception she anticipated. She had returned to her faction's stronghold, but the air crackled with hostility, the whispers and glares of her fellow Decepticons like daggers aimed at her spark. Each step felt heavier than the last as Astraea made her way through the corridors of the fortress. The weight of her heritage, both as a high-class citizen in Cybertron's rigid Caste System and as the daughter of the renowned Autobot, Proteus, bore down upon her. She knew she was an anomaly among the Decepticons, an outsider in their ranks.

Finally reaching the central chamber, Astraea squared her shoulders, steeling herself for the inevitable confrontation. The Decepticons gathered within regarded her with open disdain, their optics filled with scorn and contempt. "Astraea," one of the officers, Barricade, with a sneer etched into his features, addressed her with thinly veiled hostility. "What brings the daughter of an Autobot scum to our fortress?" he said.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 18 ⏰

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