Chapter 3: Disobedience

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Inside the dimly lit halls of the formidable fortress of Kolkular, on the first floor where shadows danced upon the walls, Orion Eclipse and his closest companion, Wildbreak, reveled in the euphoria of their recent nighttime escapade. Their faces betrayed traces of mischief and exhilaration, but beneath the surface, a creeping sense of impending doom lingered. They knew all too well that their fleeting moments of freedom would soon give way to the harsh reality of their confined existence within the fortress walls.

"We are not doing that again," declared Wildbreak, his voice filled with a mixture of regret and apprehension.

Orion Eclipse nodded in agreement, his optics shimmering with a mixture of amusement and caution. "Alright, Wild. But you have to admit, taking your new vehicle mode for a spin in the parking lot at night was worth it. Besides, it's not every day we find ourselves riding an abandoned hover boat and being chased by a Scraplet."

"Dude!" Wildbreak exclaimed, his tone filled with a blend of shock and disbelief. "What?" Orion Eclipse responded, his voice laced with a hint of mischief. "It's the truth! And it's not like one of your dads will find out. I suppose you could say we had quite the 'Wild' ride, eh?" A flicker of annoyance crossed Wildbreak's face. "That's not funny, 'Rion!" Orion Eclipse chuckled softly, attempting to diffuse the tension. "Just a silly pun, sillyhead."

Their laughter subsided as they came to a sudden halt before Breakdown and Knock Out, Wildbreak's biological fathers. The expressions etched upon their faceplates were a mixture of shock and concern. Breakdown caught off guard, dropped a bucket load of small Energon cubes, their clinking noise echoing through the corridor.

"Uh-oh," Wildbreak muttered under his breath, a tinge of worry evident in his voice. Angrily, Knock Out spoke up, his voice laced with disappointment. "Uh-oh indeed! You two are in a heap of trouble now!"

Breakdown's optics narrowed as he regarded Orion Eclipse and Wildbreak. "What in the name of Primus were you two knuckleheads thinking?!" Orion Eclipse shifted uneasily under their piercing gazes, his voice betraying a hint of remorse. "Um...we were just having fun?"

"Having fun?!" Knock Out's voice rose, filled with a mix of anger and concern. "You got chased by a Scraplet? A metal-eating Scraplet!?! You two could have been killed!" Wildbreak, feeling the weight of guilt, pointed an accusing finger at Orion Eclipse. "It was his idea, not mine!"

Orion Eclipse pleaded, his optics pleading for mercy. "Please, don't tell my father." Breakdown's visage hardened, his voice filled with a firm resolve. "Oh, we're definitely telling him. Lord Megatron would be beyond displeased to learn that his own son put OUR son in danger! You two are in serious trouble."

"Oh, scrapheap," Orion Eclipse muttered under his breath, the gravity of the situation weighing heavily upon him. The walls of the fortress seemed to close in as the ominous silence enveloped them, leaving them to contemplate the consequences of their reckless actions.


In the grandiose throne room of the mighty fortress Koklular, where shadows played upon ancient stone walls, the imposing figure of Megatron stood tall upon his throne. His optics narrowed into furious slits as his gaze fell upon his wayward son, Orion Eclipse. The air crackled with tension, thick with disappointment and anger.

"ORION FIRESTAR ECLIPSE!!" Megatron's voice boomed, shaking the very foundations of the chamber. "What in The Fallen have you done?!!?" Orion Eclipse's frame trembled under his father's fierce scrutiny. He had always feared Megatron's wrath, but he had never felt it so acutely as at this moment.

"I said I was sorry!" Orion Eclipse pleaded, desperation creeping into his voice. "Sorry doesn't cut it!" Megatron roared, his expression twisting with rage. "You put yourself and your best friend in danger! Now Knock Out and Breakdown won't allow their son, Wildbreak, to go on another reckless misadventure with you! As for you, my son, you are officially grounded! For a whole week!"

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