Chapter 16: The Secret Date

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Orion Eclipse stood before his biological father, Megatron, with a sense of anticipation. He had been looking forward to a trip to the city of Kaon, accompanied by his friend Wildbreak. The city held a certain fascination for Orion, as he had only heard stories about its bustling streets and vibrant atmosphere. He couldn't wait to explore it firsthand.

"Father," Orion began, his voice filled with excitement, "I wanted to tell you that Wildbreak and I have planned a trip to Kaon. We thought it would be a great opportunity to experience the city and learn more about Cybertron's history." Megatron regarded his son with a stern expression, his optics narrowed. "Orion, I regret to inform you that Wildbreak won't be able to accompany you on this trip. He has important matters to attend to with the Stunticons. They require his assistance, and their needs come before personal endeavors." Disappointment washed over Orion, his hopes dashed in an instant. He had been looking forward to sharing this adventure with his friend, and now it seemed he would have to go alone. Still, he understood the importance of duty and obligations, and he respected Wildbreak's commitment to his fellow Stunticons.

"I understand, Father," Orion replied, trying to mask his disappointment. "I will find a way to make the trip on my own then." Megatron shook his head, his expression grave. "I'm afraid I cannot allow that, Orion. After your previous excursion outside of Kaon, I have decided that it is not safe for you to venture beyond the city's borders again. I cannot risk losing you." Orion Eclipse's spark sank at his father's words. He had hoped that Megatron would trust him and recognize his growing maturity. But it seemed that his past actions had led to this decision, and now he would be confined to the city he had grown up in. "I understand your concerns, Father," Orion said, his voice tinged with resignation. "But I can't help feeling that I'm being treated like a sparkling. I am capable of taking care of myself." Megatron's optics softened, and he placed a hand on Orion's shoulder. "I know you have grown, my son. But my duty as your father is to protect you, even if it means restricting your freedom. I have seen the dangers that lurk outside of Kaon, and I cannot bear the thought of losing you."

Orion Eclipse nodded, accepting his father's decision, but a spark of determination ignited within him. He couldn't bear the thought of being confined without any companionship or adventure. He needed to find a way to negotiate some freedom while ensuring his safety. "I have an idea, Father," Orion spoke up, his voice laced with newfound hope. "What if I were to take one of Soundwave's Minicons, Laserbeak or Ravage, as my companion? They could keep an optic on me while Soundwave continues his duties as the Decepticons' Communications Officer."

Megatron considered his son's proposal, mulling over the potential risks and benefits. Soundwave was a loyal and trustworthy officer, and his Minicons were fiercely loyal to him. If anyone could ensure Orion's safety, it would be them. "Very well, Orion," Megatron finally conceded. "You may take one of Soundwave's Minicons with you on your trip. But remember, their primary duty is to protect you, so you must heed their guidance and stay out of trouble."

Orion's face lit up with gratitude, his optics sparkling with excitement once again. "Thank you, Father! I promise I won't let you down." With that settled, Orion Eclipse knew he had found a compromise that would allow him to explore the city of Kaon while still being under the watchful eye of Soundwave's Minicons. It was a small victory, but one that meant the world to him. As he left the room, Orion couldn't help but think about Soundwave's surrogate sons, Rumble and Frenzy. The two ex-miners had suffered greatly in the past but found comfort and purpose in their family. He hoped that their bond with Soundwave would only strengthen with time and that they would find their own path to redemption.

Meanwhile, Laserbeak and Ravage, the Animal Outcasts who had found acceptance within Soundwave's care, awaited their next adventure. They were eager to accompany Orion Eclipse and protect him, for they understood the value of companionship and the importance of a united Decepticon family. And in the depths of Kaon, Ratbat's spark thrived within the Bat-Like Cassette. Once a senator who had lost faith in the system, he now had a chance to contribute to the change he so desperately desired. His past may have been filled with questionable decisions, but he was determined to make a difference and ensure a brighter future for all of Cybertron.

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