Chapter 17: Tension in the Throne

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The throne room of the Nemesis exuded an air of authority and tension as Orion Eclipse, the son of Megatron, stepped forward. His optics were filled with a mixture of apprehension and determination. He took a deep intake of Energon, steeling himself for the awaited conversation.

"You summoned me, father?" Orion Eclipse's voice resonated with a blend of respect and uncertainty.

Megatron, sitting on his imposing throne, regarded his son with a penetrating gaze. His crimson optics bore into Orion's spark, assessing his every movement and expression. "Yes, my son," he replied, his voice deep and commanding. "I want to talk to you about your...behavior." The young bot's optics flickered briefly, confusion clouding his face. "What do you mean by that?" Orion Eclipse asked, his voice wavering with curiosity.

Megatron leaned forward, his posture exuding authority. "I've noticed how you've changed for the past several months," he stated, his tone laced with a mix of disappointment and concern. "From what I can remember, you were so eager to join the war front, to take revenge on the Autobots for causing the disappearance and death of your mother. Then, all of a sudden, you were hesitant to kill your last Autobot victim when you first joined the war effort and I had to kill that Autobot while you just stood by and watched with hesitation, worry, and sympathy."

Orion Eclipse's face registered a blend of surprise and realization. He glanced down, briefly collecting his thoughts before meeting his father's intense gaze once more. "I...Father, listen, I can explain everything," he stammered, his voice laced with a hint of anxiety.

Megatron raised an authoritative hand, cutting off his son's attempt at an explanation. "No, Orion Eclipse," he interrupted firmly. "I'm the one who gets to explain your actions. I don't want to hear any more of your excuses." The words hung heavy in the air, and Orion Eclipse fell silent, his optics fixed on his father, waiting for the harsh truth that was about to be unleashed.

"Here's what I see in your behavior," Megatron continued, his voice resonating with a mixture of disappointment and frustration. "And what it reminds me of. You've become reluctant, gullible, naïve, disloyal, selfish, secretive, rebellious, stubborn, and immature. You remind me of my former pupil, Orion Pax. The data clerk who has always been gullible, humble, selfish, naïve, and disloyal, even before he became Optimus Prime!" Orion Eclipse's optics widened in shock, his emotions taking hold of him. "Oh, so now you're comparing ME to your former best friend turned arch-nemesis?!" he blurted out, a tinge of resentment tainting his words.

Megatron's optics flickered with a glimmer of frustration, his voice hardening. "I wasn't finished, son!" he retorted, his tone commanding attention. "Listen, just because I named you after the brotherhood I once shared with Orion Pax before he became a traitor and an enemy of mine doesn't mean that I raised you to be exactly like him! You should be better than this! In fact, I expected better from you, Orion. You've disappointed me every single time you try to run away with that bothersome daughter of our greatest enemy!" Orion Eclipse's voice quivered with defiance as he stepped forward, his words filled with conviction. "Her name is Altair Comet!" he declared passionately. "I don't care if she's an Autobot! All I know is that she's kind, she's sweet, she's gentle, she's tolerant and understanding—"

Megatron's voice thundered through the room, cutting off his son's protest. "You're wrong, Orion Eclipse!" he boomed, his optics narrowing with determination. "How many times do I have to tell you? The Autobots are dangerous! They're evil! They oppressed us before you were even born! If you knew what living in a corrupted Caste System as a lower-class citizen or as a slave or as a gladiator forced to fight for twisted entertainment was like, you would've resented the Autobots from the start!"

Orion Eclipse's optics flickered with a mixture of anger and frustration. "Why can't you just let me be whoever I want to be?!" he exclaimed, his voice carrying a note of desperation. "You can't just groom me to be like you, father!" Megatron's voice grew cold and stern, the weight of his authority pressing down on the room. "Don't you dare try to talk to me like that, young bot," he warned, his tone laced with an undercurrent of threat. Orion Eclipse squared his shoulders, defiance burning in his optics. "Or else what?!" he shot back, his voice strong and resolute. "You can lock me away in my own room and ground me all you want, father, but I'm still going to be way different from all the other Decepticons!"

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